In his mugshot he looks like a 12 year old whose parents just grounded him for a month and took away his x-box.

It should be captioned "I hate you, you're not even my REAL Dad!". 😡

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Good Lord! I so long for the day when there is not one news item about this ahole May we be delivered, and have this ugly name removed from all media!

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"Trump Employee 4 will very likely face cross-examination about his prior inconsistent statements in his grand jury testimony, which occurred while Mr. Woodward represented him"

Doesn't this open up criminal charges for Mr Woodward?

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WOO HOO!! flip-dee-doo!!!!!

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Judge Canon could always yell and rule, "No more changes allowed that would implicate the amazingly honorable current and totally legal sitting president, The President Donald Trump!"

Whether or not the ruling would be upheld is subject to debate. 😂

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Isn't there a hungry Burmese Python in South Florida?

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Not anymore. I think he flew to Georgia to be indicted today.

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Michael Cohen made it very clear that PAB is stupid as hell for not paying Roodles legal funds. He has dirt on him! Supposedly Trump has started a "fund" to help Ghouli . (Of course HE won't be donatin' any of his PAC $$.) PAB must be seeing some light because good ole Rood he did get a ride on a private jet to surrender in GA. Not bad for a man strapped for cash.

Mafia bosses helped their guys and in turn they were willing to do a little in the pen to be quiet. They were also front line hardened men and murderers. Trumps sycophants are not. These men and women are (in some cases incomprehensibly) college graduates whose idea of a hard stay is Days In. Ain't no way they want 1 minute much less 5 years in jail for this asshole and there are so many of them. Even if Roodles is quiet and has his bill paid he will still face jail, He is NOT gonna do that.

The DOJ WILL put Nauta in jail and that needs to be made extremely clear to the dear guy. The more these people start to realize that they can and will go to jail, like Meadows, like David Fisher in GA and the 8 fake GA electors and however many in MI, and, inevitably like Roodles, the more they will all start to roll over.

Nothing better than everyone ganging up or standing up to a bully.

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speaking as another college graduate, Days Inn is a hard stay.

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Well of course but then I’m guessing you’re too smart to be indicted.

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Red Roof is hard time man.

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Nothing clarifies your place in the grand scheme of things than seeing your mug shot on the internet.

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"In the jailhouse now" OH BROTHER!

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Help me count. Nauta is employee #1. De Oliveira is #2. Server guy is #4. There’s a gap here. Who’s #3?

PS “nutty pickle” is the newest Oreo flavor.

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I am not a number, I am a free man!

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Good question. Now I wanna know too.

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"It's called flipping...and it should be illegal"


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I think there could be a spate of flipping to rival Olympic gymnastic performances. Don't these future flippety-floppers know how LOYAL the Donald always is? I mean, didn't he just shell out big bucks to pay Rudy's legal bills? Etc.

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Is anyone worried about TEN4's physical safety, particularly around windows, staircases, and/or planes?

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Or drinking tea!

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Stan Woodward needs remedial legal ethics training STAT. Specifically, on conflicts of interest and suborning perjury, also known as bad legal thingies.

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I'm thinking that Federal Judge job thingy looks to be a thing of the past, for sure

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So, with having pointed this out in front of trial, I hope it removes the "incompetent representation" as basis for appeal if others keep the incompetent one on. 🤗

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This right here is the entire reason for the DOJ’s request for a Garcia hearing in the SDFL documents case. The purpose of the Garcia hearing is to make sure that Nauta understands the conflicts inherent in continuing to be represented by Woodward, who also previously TEN4. As part of that process, Cannon can (and should) appoint an independent public defender to advise Nauta, to make sure that Nauta understands the conflicts, and knowingly waives them if he wants Woodward to remain his attorney.

Failure to do so would easily give Nauta grounds for appeal, on the grounds of ineffective assistance of counsel.

At bottom, the DOJ doesn’t have a huge interest in putting Nauta in prison. I’m sure a different lawyer can get him a pretty sweet plea deal if he agrees to cooperate and testify truthfully about TFG.

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Flip-a-dee-doo-dah, flip-a-dee-ay

My oh my, PAB's gonna pay

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Little known fact, the judge's full name is Aileen Luz Cannon.

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"OK maybe not sex!"

Oh, please, for the love of Dog, no sex! Considering who we're talking about that would be just Ewwwwwwwww!

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There's no sex in the server room. Or the Champagne Room either.

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No fighting in the war room, either.

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RE Cannon doing her job, the assessment I'm seeing from the legal talking heads is she's clearly demonstrating incompetence. Not malicious incompetence, or even just basic corruption, but good old fashioned, "is a judge that doesn't understand how a grand jury works at all" incompetence.

Countdown to Aileen's removal in 10 . . . 9 . . .

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Say it with me. Lifetime appointment. Won't be easy to scrape that barnacle off.

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I would say that she’s incompetent, with a side of RWNJ.

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Weird how often that goes hand in hand....

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So, the next Supreme Court nominee, if a Republican wins the presidency? Cannon would be a perfect compliment to Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch et al.

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NO. Don’t even put those ideas out into the universe.

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Bad John R! *spritzes with water bottle*

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What part of “incompetent RWNJ” is disqualifying for Cannon to be a Republican nominee to SCOTUS? The only qualifications she seems to be missing (that we know of) are a few all-expenses paid trips on Crow’s private plane, fat honorariums to speak at Bohemian Grove and a luxury condo or two paid for by Leonard Leo. She’s perfect!

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She is truly a "loose Cannon".......

I'll just see my way out.......

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I thought GURLZ AREN'T ALLOWED at the Bohemian Grove. (I think I was actually in the Bohemian Club when I was in my college Glee Club but I could be mistaken)

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STOP it. You just STOP that loose, dangerous talk right now, Mister!


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