Mercilessly hunted down, swiftly destroyed, and absolutely all evidence of their prior existence completely annihilated. They have been cruelly mocking adjectives for far too long.
For something to be pornography, it needs to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings. This woman who gets turned on by a picture of a nude sculpture that she probably didn't even see must have truly inadequate lovers.
Sooooooo sick of the 'vangelicals on their fainting couches dictating public policy. Seriously, their kids are upset by the sight of a penis? Do their parents not teach them that those are actual things that nearly half of humans have?
Yeah, but that's not even what happened. I go to Wonkette for the anti-republican stuff but they're all-in on suggesting that people on the Right hate everything the left likes because they hate people of color or lgbt stuff. The lack of nuance on these sites is polarizing and stupid.
There are plenty of professors of color who study and teach the classics and it's not inherently something that leads to white supremacy unless african-american studies or gender studies courses aren't taught on the same campus. Granted, that's not what Florida is doing, but I'm not for you guys advocating classic studies as racist white supremacy that you want cancelled. Then the right has all the ammunition they need to justify at least some of their moves. Because then you are also creating a culture war. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
The teacher also did tell the students not to tell their parents which is fishy. I don't know why you'd fire the principal and I don't advocate that, but I get the feeling it isn't that simple.
Hope these white-flight "classicists" down in the Banana Republic of Florida aren't asked to read any Horace, Ovid, or Boccaccio.
All of that seems accurate right up to the point where admin quits and the art teacher does not end up with head on a pike. That is counterintuitive.
One may want to remind them that flight is also an option. (Freezing not recommended.)
Mercilessly hunted down, swiftly destroyed, and absolutely all evidence of their prior existence completely annihilated. They have been cruelly mocking adjectives for far too long.
For something to be pornography, it needs to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings. This woman who gets turned on by a picture of a nude sculpture that she probably didn't even see must have truly inadequate lovers.
Do they tell their sons to never look down?
Is there anything that can't be controversial with these folk? They get upset about cartoon characters 'cause they're just too sexy.
Want this so hard! ❤️
Boi-oi-oi-oing 🍆
Sooooooo sick of the 'vangelicals on their fainting couches dictating public policy. Seriously, their kids are upset by the sight of a penis? Do their parents not teach them that those are actual things that nearly half of humans have?
Ashcroft the Pure.
Yep - the irony escaping them is hilarious.
Set in a post-Armageddon hellscape.
Yeah, but that's not even what happened. I go to Wonkette for the anti-republican stuff but they're all-in on suggesting that people on the Right hate everything the left likes because they hate people of color or lgbt stuff. The lack of nuance on these sites is polarizing and stupid.
There are plenty of professors of color who study and teach the classics and it's not inherently something that leads to white supremacy unless african-american studies or gender studies courses aren't taught on the same campus. Granted, that's not what Florida is doing, but I'm not for you guys advocating classic studies as racist white supremacy that you want cancelled. Then the right has all the ammunition they need to justify at least some of their moves. Because then you are also creating a culture war. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
These people constantly make me embarrassed to be an American. 🙄
The teacher also did tell the students not to tell their parents which is fishy. I don't know why you'd fire the principal and I don't advocate that, but I get the feeling it isn't that simple.
Embrace nuance, people.