Nope. WRONG! While belief in witches was comparatively low in Spain compared to northern Europe, Alonso de Salazar Frías went to investigate claims of witchcraft in the Basque area of Spain. He had "confessions" from 2000 people. Spanish Bishop Antonio Venegashad de Figueroato wrote a letter in 1610 to the Spanish Inquisition muckymucks asking them to STOP persecuting witches because all of the claims were BS. In August 1614, it was ruled that all of the trials pending at Logroño should be dismissed. The determination issued new and more rigorous rules of evidence that brought witch-burning in Spain to an end
as you note, these were "extra-official" and quickly shut down. The witch hysteria was the later 1600s and into the 1700s, by which time (witch time?) the Inquisitors aleady had their rules of evidence in place, and concluded that such confessions were based on superstitin and poor understanding of the basics of the religion, or more likely some sort of "madness" (which, in those days, could have warranted an excorcism, but not an Inquisition, let alone an auto-de-fé).
Thanks, Republicans.
About two thirds of a henway.
Also, too, with these simpletons:
And a Bag o' McCarthy Dicks
Nope. WRONG! While belief in witches was comparatively low in Spain compared to northern Europe, Alonso de Salazar Frías went to investigate claims of witchcraft in the Basque area of Spain. He had "confessions" from 2000 people. Spanish Bishop Antonio Venegashad de Figueroato wrote a letter in 1610 to the Spanish Inquisition muckymucks asking them to STOP persecuting witches because all of the claims were BS. In August 1614, it was ruled that all of the trials pending at Logroño should be dismissed. The determination issued new and more rigorous rules of evidence that brought witch-burning in Spain to an end
BlackAdder is a Witch
True fact. See the book "Ancient Christian Magic." Prayers were spells and not distinguished from them in form, only by where they were directed.
Prayer books evolved to help protect the faithful and socialize the faith.
Yes. It concerns me.
Ta, Robyn. Let. Them. Fight.
"Bubba the Love Sponge"? Really?
as you note, these were "extra-official" and quickly shut down. The witch hysteria was the later 1600s and into the 1700s, by which time (witch time?) the Inquisitors aleady had their rules of evidence in place, and concluded that such confessions were based on superstitin and poor understanding of the basics of the religion, or more likely some sort of "madness" (which, in those days, could have warranted an excorcism, but not an Inquisition, let alone an auto-de-fé).
Gaetz looks like a big toe? More like a big infected toenail, if you ask me.
That's after they talked him out of "Jimmy the Jizz Rag"
Wait. I saw something like this on Pornhub. I think it was a chicken, not a duck.
He's doomed. I tried to tell him, "It's LevioSAH," but he won't listen.
Does your tinkler feel funny when you look at her?