
The New Inquiry servers keep getting boofed, so also added a link to the article at the Wayback Machine if you need it.


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Why does your AI header image have Mark Hamill on the toilet?

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Thank you. That was well worth the read.

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Sounds like the whole school was created to get away with racist talk and date rape

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Why toilet seat closed?

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The Old Parkland campus certainly is stunning and majestic--the smaller-scale copy of the UVA Rotunda is *swoon*--in a way that does not AT ALL call to mind seven-year old Pop Warner football teams in official "Ravens" and "Chiefs" uniforms, just, you know, much smaller and way less competent.

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Ayn Rand University. Home of the Fighting Snowflakes.

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Their most famous play is the "take the ball and run to the desert and swear you won't play anymore until the other team begs you."

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“Women are more complicated than men.” “There are things that women want that they don’t like that they want.” “With boys, their bodies and their desires are one.”

This person needs to get out more. These are the superficial observations of someone who hasn't talked very much or very deeply with other people.

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I get this sense from some straight men that if they know too much about women, or a particular woman, he won't find her sexy anymore. Like if he engages with her as a person, forgetting they're both sexual beings, or fully accepting that she is just as much a sexual being as he is, then she won't be sexy to him anymore.

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I don't know if you have ever read "Nickel and Dimed" by Barbra Ehrenreich, but hotels make me nervous to this day. Anyway:


What happens in Las

Vegas doesn’t always stay in Las Vegas. That applies to bedbugs that may hitch a ride with you back to your home. At least four guests staying in popular hotels on the Las Vegas Strip encountered the pests in their rooms between September and January, according to Las Vegas-based KLAS-TV, which cited reports from the local health department. Health inspectors from

the Southern Nevada Health District confirmed bedbug sightings at the Encore, Venetian, Excalibur Hotel & Casino and Mirage. A bedbug-sniffing dog deployed by the Encore found a live bedbug on Dec. 5 after a guest complained, according to the news station. The hotel closed that room for service.

Health District said it provided inspection reports to the station in response to a

public records request over “bed complaints for public accommodations” over a

six-month period. “We understand that

people find the topic of interest, and bedbugs are a nuisance; however, we are not conducting any ongoing investigations,” communications officer Jennifer Sizemore of the Southern Nevada Health District wrote in an email. The Nevada Resort

Assn., a gaming and resort advocacy group, said the health and safety of guests is the highest priority for the

resort industry

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Just what the world needed. Right-wing Ted Talks.

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Unless I misunderstand the picture, you're implying that Zizek is far right? You can say many things about Zizek, but he is most definitely a communist.

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I remember Bari Weiss. Encountered her on Realtime before I stopped watching.

Bill liked to tout her as a great thinker.

A great thinker.

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I knew I disliked that curmudgeon.

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I wonder how long it's going to be before somebody at UATX starts demanding the "university" demonstrate its commitment to intellectual freedom and unhindered inquiry by allowing a course that questions the "mainstream narrative" about the Holocaust.

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I'm sure it is just a matter of time.

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Waiting for the worms to come.

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So what will all those pastel-clad philosophers do with a "degree" from UATX (which fittingly, sounds like a data-transfer protocol)? I bet the 'Wild West of Podcasting' is about to get an influx of useless jerks

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They put it next to all the other "accolades" that their unearned wealth has bought them and hope and pray that the yawning hole in their souls will start to close up.

Then they go buy something else. It'll work this time. For sure.

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As recommended, I read the Rawlings article and I feel awful for what he had to go through to bring us the good news that UATX has been born!! There had been such a dearth of non-safe safe spaces for white people to masturbate joylessly with and on each other! Thank goodness nothing interesting happened to break apart the carefully crafted ennui of the "natural aristocracy!"

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Sure to soon be mentioned in the same breath as Praeger, Hillsdale and Wossamotta U.

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At least Wossamotta has a decent football squad.

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Hey, don't throw no shade on Wossamotta.

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Is that Mark Hamill?

He deserves no part of this.

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Why does this gathering sound a lot like Galt's Gulch?

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Galt's Gulch as told by Bob the Angry Flower?

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Thank you! I couldn't remember the name of the cartoon character!

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