No one but Musk (and probably some advisors) knows what "the plan" is at this point. The conventional wisdom would be to grow, but Musk is hardly a conventional thinker. Like I said, it will be interesting to watch.
Looks like Vernon Jones is stuck being Black, but he doesn't sound very happy about it. The way I hear his complaint, he'd change to white if he could.
I still have a couple of Rose City tokens. They were three for a buck in 1967.
♫Tote that bale, lift that barge♫
The prison industry is waiting to fill that void. Just need to get rid of some pesky civil rights.
Ehh, I won't hold that against her ;}
My apologies. ty for the correction
Huh, whatever for?
Looks like they are going to do it again
the plan is to grow
No one but Musk (and probably some advisors) knows what "the plan" is at this point. The conventional wisdom would be to grow, but Musk is hardly a conventional thinker. Like I said, it will be interesting to watch.
Jones has never heard of Rachel Dolezal, apparently.
Thumbellina libelz!
Vernon Jones is proof-positive that if the KKK opened its membership to blacks, Jones would gladly join....
Never thought the leopards would eat HIS face?
Looks like Vernon Jones is stuck being Black, but he doesn't sound very happy about it. The way I hear his complaint, he'd change to white if he could.
And even if she was born in Puerto Rico, she'd still be a US Citizen.