I'm afraid when you tell a republican to "look at Norway" all they see is white people. Then they say stupid shit like, well, we have special challenges because of our, ehem, racial divide.

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You must keep punishing people for their transgressions, it's in the Bible.

The Old Testament parts, not that wussy Jesus-endorsed forgiveness stuff.

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I agree. Very well said.

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How about we never let anyone out of prison for rape or shooting someone, ever, and then prohibit asking about criminal records?

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Prison does not have to be brutal punishment. It can be containment.

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Who's being naive now, Kate?

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A reform long past due. I taught young people in a county jail for some years, and the no-hope stories are legion. People cannot reform themselves if they can't work.

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If you're feeling sporty you might hire an attorney to send a letter that you request an explanation of the delay and CC whatever you have for a public service commission.

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It is a bad stat - the highest risk sex offenders get locked away for decades

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Viewing the world through a toilet paper tube.

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So help me Sagan but if I can ever get my ass through law school I am going to have "Shut the FUCK up!" printed in bold lettering on my business cards and advertising.

I remember teaching my girls as soon as they were old enough to understand that if they got into trouble with the law the only words they needed to exchange with the police were their names and the word "Lawyer".

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Gunsmoke did a whole bunch to fuck this country up

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Old, but still on point:


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It's not a coincide, I think, that the generation that is Trump's biggest base of support grew up in an era when Westerns composed a majority of prime-time tv programming.

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I've always believed that taking away people's right to vote and destroying their ability to get gainful employment for nonviolent offenses (especially concerning drugs) was only ever going to make the problem worse. But granting protected status seems like an incredibly tough sell, given that most of the statuses are unchangeable qualities someone is born with. As someone noted below, regardless of intent, Fox News will use it to radicalize people for ages.

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I was going to go into that further in the post but it was long already (for those unaware, there was a study showing that some employers are becoming less likely to hire people of color because they assume they have criminal records that the employer is no longer allowed to ask about), but the organizers are clear about this just being a first step.


I think there needs to be something like "just cause terminations" for hiring and and renting that puts the onus onto the employer or landlord to show that they were not discriminating to some degree, though not sure what that would look like. Part of the problem will always be that those who are discriminated against have to prove they were discriminated against rather than requiring those on the other end to prove they did not.

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