“It’s a clusterfuck,” said one person. “We are screwed,” said another.

YHTSI (you hate to see it).

Narrator: [clears throat]

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I'm torn. The angel on one shoulder wants congress to stop dicking around on Ukraine aid. The devil on the other shoulder wants the New Batch (my nickname for the Freedom Caucus) to drive Johnson out and lose their majority by terrorizing their own party.

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I called my Democratic congressman yesterday and encouraged him to push for getting the Ukraine aid bill to the floor, then to vote for aid, not a loan. I also asked that he let the diminutive, insurrectionist Mike Johnson twist in the wind. All Democrats must vote him out, and vote for Hakeem Jeffries as his replacement.

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"She thinks empowering unions “trampl[es] the rights” of people who choose not to join. (And they say Republicans don’t care about the least of these!)"

I'll proudly trample the rights of a filthy scab any day of the week. If your shop has a union, pay your fucking dues. Just because federal law says we have to represent sorry ass freeloaders and scabs, doesn't make it right.

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Magic Marge was photographed taking her Trapper Keeper of Joe Biden doodles and Hunter dick pics back to the House after the Senate gave her “impeachment” the respect and attention it deserved. That’s called “summary disposition,” and no further time shall be wasted on that horse tinkle.

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Mikey collabing w/Dems is going to excite the single-neuron, semi-firing, MAGA Congress crowd beyond just Sporkfoot and her boitoi Massiehole into firing his porn-curious ass sure as shit sits on a shingle.

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We really need to set requirements for Congress People and executive offices It's doubtful that most members of Congress could qualify to be mangers of a fast food restaurant location, or associate mangers at Walmart. TFG would have trouble getting a job as counter person or sales associate

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Extra butterinoooooooo, please!

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This sort of thing is kayfabe.

Never say the Republicans are done, given the number of unreconstructed states in the USA. Wherever they run wild they oppress and seek to destroy the lives of vulnerable minorities.

People need to understand, as long as there are ladder pullers, sadists and godbotherers there is always going to be a Republican Party or a party like it. And given the demographics that serves, it will always have institutional advantage in the USA.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Just a little clue, Great Britain did not pay off their lend lease debt from WW II until 2006. I expect it will take Ukraine about the same amount of time, especially considering the damage Russia has done to the country. We will likely see some type of Marshall plan for Ukraine after this war is over requiring at least as much in economic and infrastructure assistance as we gave in military aid.

My bet is that American industry and banking put the screws to Johnson when they realized how much profit was in a war. Finally overcoming orders from the boss, Trump. Who may not be around much after November, while banks and the military industry will be. Sort of like how Nazi sympathizer and anti-Semite Henry Ford finally realized how much profit was in building tanks and jeeps destined to be blown up in Europe and the Pacific and decided Hitler wasn't all that great.

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Sadly it appears Democrats are gonna hafta bite the bullet and save his wrinkly ass in compromise to get the Ukraine Bill a vote.

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Can we call her 'Balloon Butt' now?

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Saturday?!? That might mean my coworkers and I can’t drive to work even tho metro is a butt on weekends! And will be more of one THIS weekend for track work!

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Just think, a mere ten years ago The Nation’s William Greider were referring to them as “ascendant Republicans.”

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The Klan of the Kave Karen is coming for Mike Johnson

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Allow them to pugilisticate.

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