I wish that were true, but not in this country

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What little actual information I've been able to read about the account was that the police car was sitting there with its lights off. No idea why.I lived in two homes in decent suburban neighborhoods that actually had unlighted, and Unpaved alleys ( they were used for phone lines and trash trucks and were relics from the 1950's- the city just never bothered getting rid of them) . What lighting there was had been provided by the homeowners. But I suspect we'll never know the truth.

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I agree and I also see this kind of thing happening more and more as more state legislatures makes it easier for untrained and unvetted gun nuts to run around with concealed and unconcealed weapons.

I mean, once upon a time, when the cops saw someone carrying a gun in public they could be pretty sure were up to no good. Now ,with everyone carrying, how are they going to know whose dangerous ones and whose just an idiot?

Not to defend the police or say that this had anything to do with this incident but over all, I suspect, and fear, there will be more shoot first and ask questions later.

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Wow, you're kidding? I can't prove to you that lizard people don't exist either. Usually there are smarter people commenting here.

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Perfect. I love it when the snake eats its tail.

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Oh and now the Anonymous-fucking-cowards at Second City Cop are slithering out of their squad cars and into the comment section to bitch about Mohamed Noor and diversity quotas.

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The folks they're murdering are unarmed or are following the law to the very letter. The white dudes waving firearms at all and sundry (including cops) like they'll somehow enlarge their micropenises that way are always treated with the finest and most delicate of kid gloves.

The gotta-murder-citizens-for-our-safety argument is made of shit.

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Considering how badly he fucked that up at the time, he should maybe never talk about 9/11, either, methinks.

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Until cops, teachers, and others who serve our society get paid enough to attract the smartest people in our society into those careers, America will continue to decline.

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With an accent!

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That was a sticking point for the guys on The Dollop podcast when Dave Anthony described the occupation of the reserve. It was hilarious and horrible, like most Dollops.

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Being super-cautious and polite doesn't seem to help, either. I.e., Castile.

I have this impotent mix of rage and grief roiling in my veins.

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Welcome to Shit House United States, where Christian fucking Republican assholes are handed guns so that they can murder us with zero consequences. Fucking pigs. Every fascist pig is a fascist, murdering, anti-American pig, there are no "good cops."

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Cops all over the country like shooting harmless family pets, be they dogs, cats, puppies, or kittens.

Particularly if they can do it in front of kids.

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No, it was just a cop beating the ever-loving shit out of a woman, beating her head against the pavement until she couldn't see, then throwing her into a jail where they forged documents and ignored her severe cop-inflicted injuries until she died.

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