Or as a Colonial Williamsburgh greeter.

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it's like they're actually in cahoots with the daily show.

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i see those little fuckers all over the place.

but i live a sad low rent life.

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Don't forget the tape dispenser and bottles of white out.

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Chintzy? WTF...those clips rock. Regular paper clips just hold together paper and maybe be used to clean out your ear, but the bull clips are awesome. I have some holding together my printer stand, I used them in my hobbies, plus they came in handy when I was making hobo coffee at work.

Those clips are not chintzy.

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It's probably a refugee from Sarah's paperclip collection.

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Microsoft Bob?

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If those sort of clips are strong enough to hold my arrest warrants and various traffic court papers, reciepts and affadavits to my windshield visor they can damn sure hold this stupid jobs bill together. We are talking Biblical - no - Dostoyevsky - level thickness here, people. I go to block the evening sun and "Crime and Punishment" pretty much falls right in my lap. "Chintzy" hmph!!!! .. D-D-D-Douchey is a damn Douche. And he pronounces his name "Doosie". Weird.

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And if he'd used a nicer clip they'd have complained he was wasting the people's money.

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Edgy... if I may call you that, thanks for pointing out that the object in question is not a paperclip but what appears to be a 2 inch, black binder clip. I estimate that you'd need at least a 6 inch long solid copper paper clip to contain that thickness of paper. Thank you, that is all.

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Hacking into "Soraya" [the victim]'s voicemail, if previous behavior is any guide.

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This is the 2011 version of the American flag lapel pin brouhaha. Remember that? When it was such a big deal candidate Obama didn't wear an American flag in his lapel?

How many of the empty suits at the GNoP "debates" (the things you use to catch de fish) are wearing a flag pin?

Looks to me like the terrorists have won!

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A flag-adorned binder clip would have never been questioned. Obama should start dressing as 'Uncle Sam'.

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I so have a tip for the Faux News...they should see the fucking commie toilet paper in federal building bathrooms. Aren't those Kochsuckers in the paper products biz? The least they could do is wipe my fucking ass with some decent two-ply. Maybe I'm wrong about commie toilet paper. The cheap, non-absorbent stuff is the product of the invisible hand (that must be mummified in layers of it so as not to get wet when doing its job).

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