Proper attribution to Mudflats. (Thanks, Jeanne).

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To be fair, the ice-cold hamderbers had a far lower level of sugar after he shattered the catsup bottles against the walls of the green room.

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The tiny magnets that Bill Gates snuck into the so-called vaccines makes you into a large, ambulatory magnet. That's why aluminum foil sticks to Joe Biden.

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Since Fox News mutually parted ways with Tucker Carlson (or, as we say in English, "gave him the bum's rush") they sure have shown their continued dedication to fair and balanced journalism.

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nobody could taste anything, so they prob overdid it on salt and sugar.

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Yes, the ENTIRE world pretended just to hurt TFG. That makes perfect sense. Meanwhile my eyes won't stop rolling.

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Evan, that original "Prancercise" post got me off my lazy butt during corn'tine, and (eventually) into the decent shape I'm in today. YouTube videos are perfect for those of us whose "lock down" life was identical to what came before it -- no awkward social interactions, and the freedom to grunt and look like a fool.

And this is coming from someone who had heart failure in 2012, put on a transplant list, and sent home to die ("Let's be serious," said my eccentric transplant specialist, "No one's going to give you a heart. Single man, with dubious 'lifestyle choices'... it's not going to happen." She was so very awesome).

Yet here I am, over a decade later, confounding the experts. The ICD they implanted has never gone off, and now needs a new battery. My recovery was all down to diet and exercise, as you observed. I also credit robotically following doctor's orders. Yoga and breathing in particular have really helped.

Here's one of my current favorites in the YouTube exercise world: Matt Hsu's "Upright Health" -- good stuff, for all levels: https://youtu.be/zAgmgqHgzqo

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Good for you!

A beloved friend of mine died of atrial fibrillation on top of acute heart failure. She did her best to get fit and lose weight, and she did really well, but it wasn't enough :(

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Were off to see....see ah see?

https://i.imgflip.com/7jweg...I think we're in cannabis? Toto? Didn't I have a dog???

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Sorry to hear that. I understand that many heart patients are unable to exercise, or have additional issues that make recovery more challenging than mine was. I should have included a little disclaimer about that. My mother had a stroke last year due to afib, and the cognitive damage made physical therapy difficult, then impossible (she passed in September). I of all people should understand that diet and exercise isn't a one-size-fits-all treatment. Thanks for the reply!

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"I should have included a little disclaimer about that"

No no, I'm really happy for you on your recovery! I just wish my friend had had as good a result, but it wasn't for want of trying or that your approach was wrong.

My condolences on the death of your mother 💔

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Non Campos Mentis

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And if Dr. Stanford had said that Americans are fat because of poor diets, the Right Wing Snowflake Brigade would have been outraged by that. Remember when Michelle Obama suggested people should eat vegetables? These people are disingenuous assholes who spend their lives looking for any reason to feel aggrieved. No one should take them seriously or pay any mind to what might offend them.

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