I want to know about the guy who came up with the bears using toilet paper bit. Obvious, yeah, but someone had to raise the idea of making a commercial of that. Did he get a decent bonus for that one?

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Why don't they go after all that shit the Democrats in the House are doi-- Oh. Wait.


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It is every (white) man's nightmare.

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Everything I know about masculinity, I learned in Phys Ed class. Mostly in the locker room.

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The nuns in my school told the boys that no girl would ever do that unless forced by a boy.

They were pretty hardcore.

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They didn't wave it away either, like the cannibalistic cereal that eats all the other cereal and it's presented like it's a good thing.

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Peanut butter M&M's? Aren't those Reese's Pieces?

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How do they shit?

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If there's anything in this world that deserves to have Mike Lindell in charge of it, it is the Republican National Committee.

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Now with demckruu!

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Capitalism finally comes to the rescue. AI-created content can't be copyrighted. The artist or author has no legal status to own a copyright and license its use.

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They now have chocolate crosses at Easter. They are, of course, usually hollow.

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Ms. O taught me how to use chopsticks with Cheerios. I'm now hell on wheels at any Asian restaurant that has Cheerios on the menu.

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The Christmas one with Santa is now a classic.

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Is there some factory where these blondasse FOX talking heads are manufactured? What's lacking in diversity is overcompensated by the rather extraordinary product quality assurance.

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Hammers are used to make political statements. That's the First Amendment.

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