Eh. Tell that to Boris Nemtsov.

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Interestingly enough, though not mentioned by Stone Cold RWNJ, CNN deleted post, apologized to person mentioned (who accepted, and said, "move on") and employees who wanted to get it first, rather than right, are gone. If the same standards of journalism were applied to Faux, Breitbart, Alex Jones, etc. there'd be no one left but the cameraman.

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Trump:It's all made upFox: It's fake newsTrump:No proof I met with RussiansFox: he never met with RussiansTrump: Hilary's faultFox: the DNC were sloppyTrump:So what if I met with the RussiansFox:It's not illegal

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I assumed it was a lump of smegma - I always imagined it like eye boogers, but involving dicks with sub-par hygiene standards.

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StoneCold is very tired, folks.... he just got finished getting fucked in the butt by 20 Russians while trump sat in a dark corner, watching, drooling and playing with himself. StoneCold got stunned hard and he is now trying to take a nap... so please, everybody, shhhhh....

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Smothering, skinning, and roasting a Congressional intern may be distasteful, unsavory, and impolite, but it is not a crime, for goodness sake!

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I hope Trump lives a long and healthy life.

Otherwise, what's the point of a twenty year jail sentence for a 71 year-old?

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We'll have to advise that Mayo Clinic-calibre doctor of his to get him off that double Big Mac diet he's been trying out.

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Egg on my face would be embarrassment. No, we got mugged, which is going to cost everybody, but we have committed no wrong, nor even a social gaffe.

Could we have done something different? Sure. for instance, Obama could have revealed that US intelligence was investigating Trump's apparent betrayal of the US, and other criminal behavior.

I suspect you aren't a traitor (if that word is apropos for a cold war) - you're a Russian paid to post these boring comments. I guess you're sending out lots of posts under many names. I mean, if you were a Yank, you'd be scum of the Earth, a betrayer of the US, an enemy of civilization, a Russian toady undermining the Constitution, a coprophagic troglodyte with pretensions of possessing a spine, a soicopathic nematode who is jealous of anyone who can look at themselves in the mirror. And boring.

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Fox will shortly claim Trump cant be charged for treason because he only has allegiance to himself and the law says it applies to people with allegiance to the US.

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I think he's saying that if one political party has no grasp of right nor wrong, and also controls the White House and congress, then they can ignore the constitution. (And all laws, for that matter.)

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Hannity is a crime, a stupid crime but a crime none-the-less.

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Just another word to that shithead Hannity, there were no successful hacks on Clinton's server. The total absence of any leaked classified information (except some names not redacted by Republican members of congress) is the strongest evidence of that, since leaking a single classified email would have shut down her campaign. The pressure to release it would have been irresistible. And nothing Clinton did could remotely be considered a felony. But nice try speaking as though there was. Asshole.

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Serious question.

Take it as read that Fox News is full of right-wing morons but is this more a realisation on their part that this Russia shit just isn't going to go away as they have been trying to argue and that their Plan B is now to say "OK, so he did collude, but what's the big deal"?

I assume the rubes will buy anything that Trump and his cheerleaders are selling but is that really going to play well with undecided voters if the new right-wing talking point is to concede collusion but downplay the seriousness of it?

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Wow, the Doublethink is actually happening.

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