Why do they have a big photo of Ken Ham on their home page? Answers in Genitals libulz!!!!

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Yes, exactly! Even Gawker had the same story. They were saying they wouldn't print Breitbart propaganda as "news."

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How do we know he ISN'T?

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Why does Mark Zuckerberg hate America?

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Was it right?

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You might not have been shoving the primers far enough up the gophers' backsides.

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Isn't Facebook notoriously a front for the NSA?

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Huh? I thought people get their news from bumper stickers (or Twitter. Oops look at me talking as if they are different.)

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Fuckin' conservative pussies should just stay on MySpace.

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Let me be clear - Fuckrberg is a nasty right wing arse. He puts profit first. He sells your details on, and loses consistently in European courts with regard to privacy, so whatever you Yanks think (remember there is no such thing as a left of centre Columbine) he is in it for the the profit.

Given all of that... Dear Fux News. Just fucking drop dead. You WON (and this is part of the reason US laws are laughable, especially the idiotic amendments- badly written by people who couldn't write rules if their life depended on it) a 1st amendment case on the basis 'news' channels can lie is they want to.

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By the way, Wonkette, how dare you accuse Fox News of not being a real news network when you can clearly see the Fox News Blonde up there wearing her S-M-R-T glasses (which should already let you know how serious this issue is, thank you very much!) A certain LIEberal (ooh witness my sick burn) publication owes the network an apology for such slander!

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Isn't Todd Starnes made of Chick-fil-A sandwiches? They are well on their way.

Edit: OH yeah, and piss.

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I always thought Republicans were tight asses. Perhaps I was mistaken.

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I think you misspelled 'a idiot'.

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