We have become a nation of 6-year-olds.

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Use your own dirt? Okay sure fine. We will. There's goddamn plenty of it.

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Evan you naughty boy! I fell for it again and watched a few seconds of that fucking video. It leaked all over the floor and I had to mop up afterwards. Meatball Rob is creating legislation banning this one as "CRT PORN!!!!!!!!!" (one black woman, three cups, as it were)...

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"Moving on to the next panelist:"

I truly read that as "next parasite" and I am sticking to my reading

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Never plays the victim?

I am the most prosecuted president in history! It's all rigged and stollen! They're all after me!

lol who they tryin to convince with this shit?

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Fools. And it's working.

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In my opinion, the Orange Quisling should be put to death after due process, if he hasn't died on his own by then. He is a clear and present threat to the Republic, and idiots like those Fox "News" types demonstrate that.

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“FAR RIGHT: So good! What I love about him, he never plays the victim.” - 😆😆😆 … 🤣🤣🤣 … ::breathes heavy:: … 😂😂😂 … ::holds sides in pain:: … Do they know who … wait, have they been watching a different asshole all this time? None so blind as those who stick their whole heads right up their own asses.

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It just shows you how far into the mirror world (the upside down?) they've gone - that anyone could, with a straight face, say that Mr No One's Ever Been Treated As Unfairly As Meeeee never plays the victim.

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Enough gaslighting to stink up the Eastern Seaboard. No one light a match.

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do you need oxygen? or a paper bag?

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When you do something he likes, he has 'great respect for' you, and when you don't, he calls you a failed nothing. Maybe that's how magnanimous works in Fox world.


"he was measured, he was authoritative, he was firm."

are we talking about an autocrat here, or is this some after-hours tv viewing?

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Because Dump has so much "reverence" for courts. We all know he would have gone on an insane ALL CAPS rant for 24 hours calling the court every name in the book if it had ruled against him.

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Republicans are nazis, they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

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Can't wait for the GOP convention, aka CPAC II, when they overconfidently talk about nothing other than who they hate and what they will do to them. Probably someone will stand up there and deliver a stemwinder about how voting will destroy America.

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“Haha, we should name Fox News shows. All of them.”

Comments section… GO!

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Lies They Forced FL Teachers to Tell

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Lying to dementia patients

Lying to those idiots we've denied an education to

Fascist Four on a couch

Supremist Six at a desk

Revisionist history hour (note, it runs for 30 mins)

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You’re good at this.

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Suckhole of Doom

The Fuckhead Report

Anal Cysts and Friends

Cooch on a Couch

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Wow, that's it just WOW...

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Bitches be lyin'

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"What I love about him, he never plays the victim"

BRB...must apologize to the neighbors for my loud laughter...

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I thought the secret to effective lying was to say something that sounded true.

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You may be hearing me joining you in laughter from over here in New Mexico

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"Preach! Drop the mic! You go girl! See ya wouldn’t wanna be ya! Don’t hate us ‘cause you ain’t us!"

You are not all that and a bag of potato chips, girlfriend!

Sock it to me!


Why fiddle-dee-dee, tomorrow IS another day!

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I am rubber, you are glue...

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