So lemme get this straight, if Black Lives Matter dares to suggest we do something like shop at Black owned businesses, it means don't shop at White owned businesses? This must be because the White businesses will then earn less money. I feel soooo bucking much better knowing the true meanness- I mean meaning of Christmas. And I mean White Christmas.

On a lighter note but not much lighter, I am considering sending them assholes at Fox News a lump of coal for their fucking stocking but they probably wouldn't even send me a "thank you" letter.

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I want one.

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Yeah. We are westies, too, but we go when they are having waffle breakfasts and cornfests and the like. Mosly I see Black people at the booths.

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It's been on my wish list for a while. Seems like every weekend has a minimum five days worth of stuff I need to try to cram into it anymore.

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Stanley Kubrick libelz!

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The decline in farms in NC is due mainly to the end of the tobacco allotment system, When I lived in NC (1960s), the state had more farms than anyplace but Texas but tens of thousands were basically garden plots; a quarter-acre allotment was enough for a miserable living.

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I'm not sure what I'm looking at but art criticism isn't my bag.

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that's a pretty and yummy looking gingerbread house

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AI generated art. Here's the Norman Rockwell versionhttps://twitter.com/ryancor...

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Does Hegseth style himself to look like Eric Trump, or does Eric style himself to look like Hegseth? Or do both their stylists coordinate because they hate them?

Pretty sure BLM is not the boss of me and doesn’t get to tell me what I’m ‘allowed’ to do with my money, Pete. If they could, I probably would have a far more stylish home and eat less meat. I’m not sure how much I’d be spending on gas though. Good luck finding a selection of Black-owned businesses around here. I dare say, Walmart is not worried about BLM influence on consumerism. Not out here.

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My neighborhood's "Shop Local" campaign is literally a war on everyone else in America and an attempt to destroy their livelihood and is worse than slavery and Jim Crow and segregation put together, except done by moderately affluent and in many cases queer White people.

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And let’s not forget the widespread practice of using migrant workers for field labor, with government protected wage disparity. That hasn’t changed. It ain’t white Swedes doing that labor.

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You should definitely boycott Sears Roebuck and JC Penney and Woolworth's and Kresge, because those places are really White and probably don't exist any more.

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The elves are slaves.

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has Hegseth ever been to the real world?

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When I was 10, I thought that slicked back hair look was pretty slick. Dave Emerson, whose dad killed himself, had very neatly slicked back like that. I was jealous (not about the dead dad bit). My dad got me the OG greasy hair oil, literally the stuff that they meant when in the Vitalis oil. It was Wild Root Hair Oil. It did not work for me, I have very thick hair (still now, 50 years later) and it couldn't be trained that way. Also, too, ADHD is not best for maintaining a hair style that requires constant attention.

This is a comment of not import whatsoever, just how fucking old that hair style is and a reminiscence to (hopefully) entertain you.

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