It's like giving cash as a gift. It goes with everything.

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And you don’t see color either, right?

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Please explain how "the new design actually glorifies pedophilia". It's just a flag with stripes of different shapes and colors. It just as easily could be glorifying stealing classified documents.

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No, they are bloody, smelly and covered in feces! Pretty bad grooming.😵

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Why not but an American troll farm? Elon doesn't own all of them!

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Why not an octopus grasping 3 swords and 3 shields while gripping the necks of 2 enemies and spraying ink on a Fox journalist? Multitasking is key!

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To honor the naval traditions of rum, sodomy and the lash?

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If you look to the far left, there's a name: behringer (I think).

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I gave up on reading Yahoo comments 15 years ago because it made me weep for the human race.

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"critics say"? Ok name three.

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they don't have to get anything. the cruelty is the point. that's it. being cruel to their perceived lessers give them a pathetic bit of power they otherwise lack in their completely powerless lives. it'd be pitiable if it wasn't so hateful and destructive.

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Indigo wants to know why it gets dropped all the time. I get it, I'm the sixth of seven kids. I am a little bit easier to spot than a narrow band in a big ass rainbow, but that's because I make noise. (Suck it, pretty arc)

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That kind of libel should call for drastic measures. If a defamation suit isn’t viable, revoking press credentials seems necessary. You can’t invite Fox to cover The White House from inside while they knowingly spew hateful lies designed only to promote animus against lgbtq people and our own government. Enough already.

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“…says history.”

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"the cruelty is the point"


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