Yes. Yes it does.

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I looked back at the video ... actually, it was even stronger ... as in "dumb f**k..."https://twitter.com/FilmThe...

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Onward Griftian soldiers.

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This clown is about 6 years older than I am. We both grew up with the cold war. I have however managed to learn that there is not a "commie" behind every tree nor every thing I don't like. Graham's some what limited brain is still living back in the mid to late 1960's and early 70's. The dogma of his religion will not allow him to progress because that dogma says those old days were better. We had "commies" to fight then. We had morals and white picket fences at least for the white people. Now all he has to fight are people of color and that has pretty much gone out of fashion at least in public. The only choice Graham has now is to try and roll back time with "commies". Because fighting "commies" isn't racist like picking on poor Black and brown people is. In Graham's lexicon it's okay to pick on others if you just call them "commies". Fuck that clown.

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This article is about Franklin Graham's horrible "counseling" of a woman severely abused by her husband: https://www.dailykos.com/st...

Graham and the other celebrity evangelical grifters wanted to maintain their compelling story of an Iranian man imprisoned in Iran for his Christian evangelism.

The only problem with him was that he was horribly disturbed and abusive, and Graham didn't want the wife revealing this fact. She did, bravely, and the two part interview linked in the article is well worth a watch.

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Make school board meetings all virtual, or at least verify anyone in attendance has children that attend that school/are in that district. Right wing groups have been astroturfing a lot of these "protests," and I've seen news clips where they interview people who are protesting and they don't even have kids, much less kids in the district in question.

And don't even get me started on the assholes SCREAMING their anti-mask, anti-vax nonsense AT CHILDREN who are just trying to go to school. Joy Reid posted a video of an older kid saying what we're all thinking: https://www.instagram.com/p...

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Not “lúmpenproletariat” silly. “Trumpenproletariat.”

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That's why they purged it from their religion, and preach the opposite.

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Well, the docs who developed it got a Nobel Prize IN MEDICINE because it has made a huge difference in parasitic disease in the third world. But, as one must apparently always point out, the COVID-SARS virus is a virus, not a parasite. (Jeez, people.)

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Donuts on your lawn!!

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Frank Graham made several years salary grifting off of the angry white voter last summer, and somehow failed to get TFG a win.

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He’s too joyless to enjoy an orgasm or drugs.

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Stroked and blown.

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Rightwing theocratic patriarch Billy Graham succeeded by even more theocratic, plutocratic, lily-white lying sumbitch of a son. See: Falwell, Jerry and JR.

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Don’t forget the armed organized groups like the Proud boys, Oath keepers, 3 percenters and others that have crossed state lines to assault school board members with threats and harassment

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Like the gal in NYC who (with bullhorn, of course) striding down a street of homeless folks yelling: "If Covid is so deadly, why aren't the homeless dying?" (I'm paraphrasing here) and a homeless fellow bikes past her and says: "Because I'm vaccinated, b**ch...) ...

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