Winter's Tale was written by Mark Helprin. Here's hoping he doesn't suffer from too much confusion.

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Oh thank you! I had totally the wrong guy. This Halperin guy is just some TV news guy I never heard of. And really wish I haven't heard of now. 🤢

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That would certainly work. But it has to be chocolate. And our beloved, late Oskar tore through my Christmas Martha's Vineyard fudge one year and I'm still bitter about it. He wasn't the least bit sick. Or sorry. They say chocolate can kill dogs but some seem to have the tolerance of a six-year-old for it.

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I'll get the tumbrel.

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Mmm, perhaps in a negative way?

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I was telling my mom I'd be so shocked if old man Bush grabbed my ass from his wheelchair that I don't know what I'd say. She said "you'd probably slap his face." I really don't think I would, because I'd be so surprised, but Halperin on the other hand...he'd get a nice knuckle sandwich.

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Lady MS: Sleazeballs have been around since time immemorial. The 'game change' here is that a) ladies doth protest aloud; b) folks are finally listening...oh, and c) it's finally hitting the sleazeballs in their wallets. That'll finally teach 'em.

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Lady MS: My late, beloved first dog, Nick, consumed the entire contents of the toe of a Xmas stocking - one bagful of Goldenberg's peanut chews - ten years before his passing. No ill-effects for him, of course; merely my having to retrieve a yardful of patties that made my PA neighborhood smell like Hershey:)

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Show me your proof.

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Good point. Maybe it's proof that there is a Satan.

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Leadership, no.

But maybe a tipping point?

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Behind every DC power player accused of sexual assault, there stand a long line of abused persons at the state, local and possibly academic level -- ref: the stories of Ted Cruz's college roommate. Moving to DC doesn't create victimizers; it expands the pool of potential victims.

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I've watched (unintentionally) this useful idiot for years and it never even occurred to me that he HAD a penis.

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DM me on IG if so. If the IG screen name ends in 64 then yes, maybe you do?

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No I didn't. I found a clip for anyone who wants to see it.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Wonder if Halperin (the one with the big cheese-eating grin) is rubbing his manhood against the other person in this photo?


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