I can hardly wait to see who Jeebus has in his <strike>gun</strike> tornado sights.

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Herod's crew outnumbered the Jesus gang, so it's more likely that Thomas would have ended up checking out Jesus' many bullet holes.

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"Pretty sure they'd all have been killed. That might have ended slavery too."

So, it was a win-win situation. See, the guntards are right!

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It's your angry teabagger neighbor with the 80 IQ you have to worry about. Because the NRA "rationale" sounds reasonable to him.

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I have it on good authority that the dinosaurs <a href="http:\/\/www.goodreads.com\/quotes\/495876-dinosaurs-are-extinct-today-because-they-lacked-opposable-thumbs-and" target="_blank">did not have a space program. </a>

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And "Amazon Women on the Moon". That needs to be true, also.

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I did get carried away. (lol at myself) My initial thought was about how hard it was to end slavery with war in contrast to nitwit's fantasy about guns.

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If Peter had had a gun, he coulda shot that fucking rooster.

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Ah - the proverbial "whiff of grape..." [Almost always canister, of course - not to go all Nilist here but grade was generally a maritime event.]

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What if Spartacus had a Piper Cub?

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One interpretation is that the modern factories rebuilt after the war gave Germany an advantage. Same story for Japan.

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if cows had guns Chick-fil-A wouldn't have to worry nearly so much about all that bad publicity


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and those vampires could have used an AR-15 or two as well...

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The right wing nutz argue that we need to read the Constitution just as it was written in the spirit of the times in which it was written. No "interpretation," no "Living Constitution," etc.

SO - according to that theory, the 2nd Amendment applies to Tower Muskets and Brown Bess shoulder arms - and, perhaps, Kentucky long rifles. And muzzle-loading black powder single-shot pistols, of course. Blunderbusses (again, muzzle-loading and single shot).

There is precedent for this in intellectual property law. Actors and singers aren't collecting royalities for reproductions of their work done with technology that hadn't been invented at the time they signed their contracts. And we know the "conservatives" are big on personal property law.

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I've partied with that dude...

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The many levels of stupidity and historical ignorance in his statement really has my brain spinning in its meninges. Yes, if only the slave owners had given their slaves guns, that pesky slavery thing would have been solved! But, alas, those dastardly liberal Kenyans back in the 18th century just wouldn't let "gun control" go, so the slave owners were forced to keep their stringent laws that prevented any sort of black armament in place.

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