Everything moves when on shroom tea

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Don't bother yourself too much...I watched the damned thing every single day and my takeaway from it was the prosecution essentially built a case around the argument that Zimmerman is a lying, liar who tells all the lies. The problem is of course they didn't really offer any sort of exculpatory evidence beyond nebulous conceits such as, well something happened, Zimmerman's lying about it and we think it was probably murder but they didn't put many holes in Zimmerman's bullshit self defense case nor did they even protect their own witnesses. They let Zimmerman's scumbag attorneys have a field day with people like Rachel Jonteal and the doctor who stated that Zimmerman's supposed sucking head wound from his head striking the ground many, many times was just a surface wound meaning the head slamming was probably bullshit. They let crucial bits of evidence go unchallenged such as Zimmerman's re-enactment of the 'fight' wherein Zimmerman doesn't come within 2 miles (not accurate but a long enough distance from) the concrete. They ignored any racial motive from Zimmerman and ignored an obvious pattern of physical aggression and uncontrolled rage. They ALLOWED Zimmerman to be portrayed as neither angry nor racist but as a slightly paranoid but alert civic-minded individual who wanted to protect his neighborhood and placed all of the blame on Trayvon Martin's 'suspicious' behavior and role as the aggressor- both of which were obvious bullshit but definitely the second part. They also let the defense claim Trayvon Martin used sidewalk as his "lethal weapon" thus justifying the homicide.Sorry, I know this veered into TL;DR territory but like I said, it's not worth bothering over...they dropped the ball either intentionally or because of rank incompetence. Either way, this murderous mother-Duggar runs free to kill again...

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Zimmerman's face is as fat as Kim Jong Un's.

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A few weeks ago I speculated that some fluffhead writer woman (who was hoping Chicago would get the Hurricane Katrina treatment) had fetal alcohol syndrome, based on her picture. But Zimmerman's photo--my God, was his mother trying to have a miscarriage by drinking straight gin throughout the first trimester? Because that would explain a lot.

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oh it starts as soon as I browse to the site, sometimes it is so bad every time I try to scroll to the comments it will pop-up the script error

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And now I hate humanity just a little bit more. Thanks, George.

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Has there been scientific testing?

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I am still convinced Zimmerman propositioned Martin the night Zimmerman murder the young man.

Zimmerman will be exposed soon enough.

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Mmmm bacon.

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It's a big rock - like the ones in Zimmerman's head.

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Did Zimmerman thank whatever forces conspired to make his so fucking broke he couldn't afford an Ashley Madison account?

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Zimmerman was in his car, saw Martin walking down the sidewalk, and called the police. It was like the 48th or 49th time in a year he had called the cops about "suspicious activity", so yeah totes not a paranoid psycho or anything. Dispatch told him not to follow Martin, and that they would send a squad car to check it out. Zimmerman got out of his car anyway, followed Martin down the street, the 'fight' ensued and by the time the cops got there, Martin was dead.

Even without getting into a racism angle, the case should have been a slam dunk because, like you said, it was ultimately Zimmerman's fault. He ignored police, and obviously nobody is just going to allow some big dude they don't know to follow them around at night.

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Has anyone told Zimmerman that he ain't white? Someone needs to because he's gonna get lynched if he tries to get close to the Confederate Battle Flag crowd. The same goes for Dinesh.

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"Yr Wonkette will monitor the Zimmerman situation as it develops, and we promise to let you know the minute that Donald Trump chooses him as his running mate."

Zimmerman will have some hefty competition. Looks like Charlie Sheen also wants the job.

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I think we all pre-judge a bit, even if we don't like to. But normal folks don't go anywhere near as far as Zimmerman did, because we're not insane.

And I'd imagine that in most cases, if you ignore dispatch and end up getting your ass beat, the cops pretty much just say "Told ya so!"

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Is there a "conservative" in this country who could get a passing score on an analogies test?

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