Love to see all of this scum go to jail....Rudy, Sidney, Trump (and his entire family), my pillow guy et. al.

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How about 5 to 10 forced retirement???

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I hope I can get any damn shot soon!! I am status 1b, which doesn't seem to mean a damn this to the state of NJ. The situation is all the more annoying because I KNOW people who are most definitely NOT 1b who seem to have gotten their shot!! Grrrrrrrr... sorry for the rant!!

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I think the point is that that he could have sailed through life on that whole "America's Mayor" PR bullshit and it would have been his legacy, even if it was just an illusion.

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I think people were already calling him on it. Not the NY media, but as we've become increasingly aware they're a bunch of craven trades. The people of NYC pretty much told him to fuck right off.

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I know that 2016's Biggest Mistake is going to jail for something, but this might be the best chance for Lady G to go with him. That would be just... wonderful.

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Yeah, overall he did well with 9/11 and should have quit while he was ahead.

My fondest member of him will always be at a NY sporting event at which he got many middle fingers waved in his direction.

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It is almost lack he was not doing shit from lack of power, and refusing to vote was not helpful with that.

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Much as I'd like to see convictions in these cases, there are grounds for much skeptical, many pessimism. To wit:

- In Georgia, the Governor can pardon state crimes, and

- The Governor in Georgia is a Republican.

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When he was booed on his birthday? In fairness to Yankee fans, they didn't throw knives at him, which shows more than their usual restraint.

He never really topped getting motorboated by Mullet Head Trump while in drag, though. Kind of a high point for both of them.

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No doubt about it, there has been a fair bit of vaccine tourism, gaming the system and inconsistency about who get the shot and when. And you are right to feel that even one shot changes your outlook on life for the better. My full Liberation Day (i.e., shot #2 + 2 weeks) is April 5, after which I will feel publicly available for all forms of interpersonal congress. May your shots come soon!

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Alternatively, the dunder-heads drag it out, as they are wont to do, and then 'presto' Gov. Stacey Abrams of Georgia pretends to pass ole Rooty a pardon, but it's one of those Amazon glitter bombs with skunk spray.

Despite all my rage, this rat still has hope on her page.

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i think we've been saying this 2016.

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I was hoping New York had sealed indictments ready to go and that Donald would be arrested January 21.

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This was at the Belmont Stakes pre-9/11. He was coming down hard on black people hard, if I remember, and almost led a gathering of cops into a riot at one point - remember "Guiliani Time?" He didn't get a warm reception for good reason.

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Ta, Evan.

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