I hope that most of the news tomorrow is about them.

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They're not as bad, true. But if they don't change, they will become irrelevant. And by changing, I mean they shouldn't even THINK about moving further to the right.

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Agreed. He can do us all one last service by taking the limelight off of trump. I didn't have issues with this Bush but the next one was an abomination. I blame Bar for that. I was offered the chance to do a meet and greet with that dumbass Dubya. I declined. My boss wanted to know why I didn't want to shake hands with the President. I told him I feared stupidity was contagious.

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Unfuck both of them. He committed treason with the Iranian revolutionaries, getting them to keep the hostages until Raygun won the election, and then more criminal acts with arms-for-hostages.

Die, both of you bastards.

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I remember him as being dim, not evil.

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Best wishes for your son's speedy and complete recovery and virtual hugs to you Sophie.

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She was awful. Don't forget, she and Poppy went out golfing after their daughter died,

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She always struck me as very cold. And a bitch.

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Good grief.

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You think I'm being extreme? Go google it - declassified KGB files show that the KGB had an agent in the room when he was negotiating for them to hold the hostages until the election of 1980.

And that's not even *mentioning* that his father had his company seized in 1942 for FUCKING TRADING WITH THE NAZIS, and that's *fact*.

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Bullshit. The Iraqis had made appeals over and over to get Kuwait to remove illegal pipelines running into disputed territory. The UN had passed sanctions against Kuwait months before the invasion. Iraq informed the US Ambassador April that they were going to take back the disputed territory if the UN didn't enforce the sanctions. the Ambassador's response was pretty much a shoulder shrug. Poppy's 100 hour war burned more oil than the US imported from Iraq in a year. The lies about the neonates being thrown out of incubators. the whole outrage was manufactured and Poppy walked away from it with an 80% approval rating. http://billmoyers.com/2014/...

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Damn. That's hardcore. I don't have that level of malice for them but I appreciate the honesty.

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http://www.salon.com/2011/1...On the role of George Herbert Walker Bush, Mixter reported that the Vice President’s “knowledge of the Iran Initiative appears generally to have been coterminous with that of President Reagan.” Indeed, on the Iran-Contra operations overall, “it is quite clear that Mr. Bush attended most (although not quite all) of the key briefings and meetings in which Mr. Reagan participated, and therefore can be presumed to have known many of the Iran/Contra facts that the former President knew.”

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Yeah, they were so broken up about it that they went golfing the afternoon she died.

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Or, as we like to refer to W, the smart one.

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