What's really torture is that Beck can't figure out if Morales is gay.

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Wait ... Bruce Wayne went and franchised his crimefighting business?

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Nobody remembered to dump wine on his wife? Damn.

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Some of my best friends are spiders.

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Umm.... who's president of the U.S. in the Ultimate universe? Maybe Glenn is, like, imagining this problem.

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Try as we might, it's getting very hard to satirize the teabaggers... it's like trying to come up with a spoof of Monty Python.

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What would Glen think of my new film, "The League of XXXtraordinary Wingtards" which would consist of a team of influential 20th century figures who've captured the imagination of Murika. Ayn Rand (the ideologue), Augusto Pinochet (gets the answers), Werner von Braun (makes the gadgets), Pat Robertson (super strength), and Ronnie Reagan (PR). They are financed by the Koch brothers but only speak to him via telephone, like "Charlie" from "Charlie's Angels."

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I'm more interested in why Job is stuck in Iowa ... hasn't he suffered enough already?

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Are they XXXL wingtards, or is this going to be a low-budget porno?

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Where do you live, that passersby wear manacles?

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I think this thread has proven conclusively that we're all gigantic NERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDS!

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Just wait until Glenn finds out who is playing <a href="http:\/\/www.imdb.com\/name\/nm0000401\/" target="_blank">Perry White</a> in the next Superman....

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Haha, last April the rats on 3rd St. had a litter in the engine compartment of my Mini Cooper. We took it in to get serviced and the mechanics shit bricks when they opened the hood and we had to pay much money to replace all the wires and stuff chewed up. Yes, we moved the car every few days. Yes, they just rode around with us from one parking space to another. Yes, the mechanic took a picture. No, you can't see it. Not after we all had to look at that Bachmann picture. edited- and the Hahn picture.

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Cutting off the blood supply to his brain.

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Don't fight!!

Beck is a hermaphrodite.

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Jon Stewart did a nice number on Faux News wingtard/blowhard Lou Dobbs, who was equally bent out of shape. Very funny: <a href="http:\/\/www.thedailyshow.com\/full-episodes\/thu-august-4-2011-dick-durbin" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/thu-aug...">http://www.thedailyshow.com...

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