"I recommend clicking this link to see the headline and picture at the top and then CLOSING THE GODDAMN TAB DO NOT READ YOU DO NOT NEED TO READ."

Imma need the New York Times to sit down at a diner with this guy and suss out how hard working, blue collar Americans like him feel about the economy

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Jeez. Heartbroken about Glenn. Let us know if his family sets up donations for a cause he supported.

And Rebecca, take time to grieve. Your readers arent going anywhere. Take whatever time you need. Death creates so many things to do, right when it’s hardest to do anything.

Please let Glen’s family know they do not grieve alone.

I’m lighting a candle for him now.

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Sending virtual hugs to you and all Womkers and curses to the asshole who murdered your friend.

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Get a Roth IRA and put it all into QQQ. Then put in as much as you can afford monthly. You are still young enough to save up a good nest egg. The advantage to putting in money every month is twofold. First, you always buy more when the price is low and less when the price is high. So you want to price to stay low the whole time you are buying and then go through the roof when it's time to sell. The second and best advantage is psychological. As the months roll by you will see your investment grow exponentially and you will be motivated to fully fund it every year. The reason I recommend a Roth is withdrawals are tax free because the initial investment is taxed. You can't write it off, but, all the gains are tax free which is a HUGE advantage. But harder initially. I think the Roth was a Republican idea, if so it's the one good thing they ever did for the middle class. Don't tell anyone I said that though.

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Did you need to post this while people are sad about a death? wtf

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In the immortal words of Woodrow F Call, the best thing to do with death is to ride away from it. If that offends you I am sorry.

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Apr 5Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Oh Rebecca. my heart breaks at the tragic and senseless loss of your friend. All I can offer is virtual love and hugs and the knowledge that you have a huge extended family out here ready to support you all as you heal

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

"I recommend clicking this link to see the headline and picture at the top and then CLOSING THE GODDAMN TAB DO NOT READ YOU DO NOT NEED TO READ."

I should have listened your advice -_-

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nobody ever does Atrele!

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Apr 5Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

I have never wanted to take a cruise. I could not imagine being sequestered with people not of my choosing. I do love the water and enjoy a good boat ride, but a cruise has always made me think less of those I know who go on them. Even high class river cruises advertised on PBS make me choke a bit. Just because there are fewer people on board doesn't change my mind. The Atlantic article by Gary Shteyngart above (7k people on a boat???) is amazingly deep and funny and says so much about our society today. It's pretty fucking sad.

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Apr 5Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

What was the motive behind planting the evidence? To teach him a lesson for not respecting their authori-tah? At least the cop cams are working the way they’re supposed to: weed out corrupt AND stupid cops.

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Apr 5Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

I had to reread that first paragraph three times just to be sure it was real. Just horrible. My heart goes out to Glenn’s family.

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Apr 5Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf


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Apr 5Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

I had no idea and now I am super sad. Peace and blessings to darling Glenn and actual genuine thoughts, prayers, and hugs to those who loved him.

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Apr 5Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Oh no, oh Glenn, oh no. I am so sorry. What a beautiful smile he had, what light.

I am so sorry for this loss. Deepest condolences to all who knew him. May his memory be a blessing.

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Apr 5Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

I am so sorry about Glenn. Tears.

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Apr 5Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

OMG, I am so sorry to hear about Glenn. Terrible news for all.

My sincere condolences to the family. What a horrible thing to happen.

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Apr 5Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

My condolences to Glenn's family on their loss!

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Apr 5Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Terrible news about Glenn. condolences to his family and to you.

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