Chelsea Clinton isn't an elected official either. But she got involved with the campaign so she was fair game. The trump spawn were involved with the campaign and now the administration. They are most assuredly fair game.
I agree that disrupting a flight may not be the best place to do it, but they should be confronted and shamed at every turn, Just like their daddy should be.
RWNJ's don't need an excuse to be perpetual victims. That card is always waiting to be played. Trans folks using the bathroom, RWNJ victimhood. Can't push your religion on everyone, RWNJ victimhood. People they don;t like get rights at all, victimhood. price of gas goes up, victimhood.
Everything triggers their sense of victimhood. Being told to take their boot off of someones neck will trigger victimhood in them because they've always had their boot there and it's not fair that they should have to move it.
No, we hated it and railed against it when they attacked Chelsea or Michelle- rightfully so. To turn around and do it to their side just makes us hypocrites. And "they did it first" is the sort of thing we regularly mock the wingnuts for saying. Yelling at a young couple with kids in public is a BAD look, especially in the midst of busy holiday travel- especially after you've tweeted how you're going to chase them down and harass them.
If you feel the need to confront them, go find the proper time and place, like a speech or a press event where they are 'on the clock' so to speak. But haranguing someone you disagree with in a public setting where you just happen to cross paths with them , especially somewhere where they and everyone around you is a captive audience? Major unforced error- it makes us look as nasty and uncouth as the wingnuts and it relinquishes the moral high ground- how exactly does that make us any better than the Trumpanzee screaming at a Muslin or Messican in public? Because all the people within earshot are just as uncomfortable when we do it, no matter how much you try to parse and rationalize it with the claim that it's somehow different because the person you are causing a scene over happens to be a public figure.
People don't want to hear that shit when they're traveling for the holidays, they don't want to hear it when they're stuck on a bus going to or from work, they don't want to hear it when they're standing in line for something. All you accomplish is making everyone in the vicinity tune out your message and instantly dislike you, while making the person that you're making a scene at the sympathetic party. At that point, nobody cares WHAT you're actually yelling about- they're just pissed that you are ruining their day and that you are dragging them into your soap opera.
But their crybaby routine only works on their fellow wingnuts in those circumstances. Don't give them the sliver of legitimacy that can sway the non wingnuts. A great part of why the LGBTQ community has made so much progress is because they were able to portray themselves as the sympathetic party and painted the wingnuts as irrational, hypocritical whiners- they played to their audience, the vast majority of us who are neither ghey nor fundamentalists. We need to take a page from that playbook and play to our audience- the vast majority of people out there who aren't particularly political. In this instance who do you think won the day? They angry guy making a scene on the crowded plane or Ivanka, who quietly sat there with her children and resisted being confrontational and acted like the bigger person?
it's the perfect thing to stuff up inside the dashboard of someone you don't like
Grifting is a topic.
Seems trumpy got a love letter from his pen pal....
Hey Allepo, you feeling all stable and secure yet?
Saddam Hussein's daughter also thinks Donny is a reasonable guy
Crazy Cubans, always ready to party! Make a batch of this to get into the Christmas spirit.
Chelsea Clinton isn't an elected official either. But she got involved with the campaign so she was fair game. The trump spawn were involved with the campaign and now the administration. They are most assuredly fair game.
I agree that disrupting a flight may not be the best place to do it, but they should be confronted and shamed at every turn, Just like their daddy should be.
RWNJ's don't need an excuse to be perpetual victims. That card is always waiting to be played. Trans folks using the bathroom, RWNJ victimhood. Can't push your religion on everyone, RWNJ victimhood. People they don;t like get rights at all, victimhood. price of gas goes up, victimhood.
Everything triggers their sense of victimhood. Being told to take their boot off of someones neck will trigger victimhood in them because they've always had their boot there and it's not fair that they should have to move it.
I hear there's a lot of drinking involved in this wassailing thing!
Only if you do it right.
Trump keeps promises to Veterans Groups by sending Omarosa to meet with them.
No, we hated it and railed against it when they attacked Chelsea or Michelle- rightfully so. To turn around and do it to their side just makes us hypocrites. And "they did it first" is the sort of thing we regularly mock the wingnuts for saying. Yelling at a young couple with kids in public is a BAD look, especially in the midst of busy holiday travel- especially after you've tweeted how you're going to chase them down and harass them.
If you feel the need to confront them, go find the proper time and place, like a speech or a press event where they are 'on the clock' so to speak. But haranguing someone you disagree with in a public setting where you just happen to cross paths with them , especially somewhere where they and everyone around you is a captive audience? Major unforced error- it makes us look as nasty and uncouth as the wingnuts and it relinquishes the moral high ground- how exactly does that make us any better than the Trumpanzee screaming at a Muslin or Messican in public? Because all the people within earshot are just as uncomfortable when we do it, no matter how much you try to parse and rationalize it with the claim that it's somehow different because the person you are causing a scene over happens to be a public figure.
People don't want to hear that shit when they're traveling for the holidays, they don't want to hear it when they're stuck on a bus going to or from work, they don't want to hear it when they're standing in line for something. All you accomplish is making everyone in the vicinity tune out your message and instantly dislike you, while making the person that you're making a scene at the sympathetic party. At that point, nobody cares WHAT you're actually yelling about- they're just pissed that you are ruining their day and that you are dragging them into your soap opera.
Now, if Arcadia could arrange a licensing agreement with Hasbro, they could get an endorsement from ol' Princess Sunbutt herself.
But their crybaby routine only works on their fellow wingnuts in those circumstances. Don't give them the sliver of legitimacy that can sway the non wingnuts. A great part of why the LGBTQ community has made so much progress is because they were able to portray themselves as the sympathetic party and painted the wingnuts as irrational, hypocritical whiners- they played to their audience, the vast majority of us who are neither ghey nor fundamentalists. We need to take a page from that playbook and play to our audience- the vast majority of people out there who aren't particularly political. In this instance who do you think won the day? They angry guy making a scene on the crowded plane or Ivanka, who quietly sat there with her children and resisted being confrontational and acted like the bigger person?
First, you need an apricot scarf.