Feb 29·edited Feb 29Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf, Marcie Jones
“I had to change “dick” to “donger” in the hed because Smartnews, which sends us a lot of readers from its app, said we were being too gross in our headlines, can you even imagine such a thing?”
My head is hanging in the toilet at least three times per day here, because… too gross. Also, as a gay, creatively prefer ‘donger.’
No Doggy, no Jeebus, and if Jeebus HAD lived, he would have been a brown man not white . AND, being a brown man, the Re-Pukes would have hated him .
Lol weenies
“I had to change “dick” to “donger” in the hed because Smartnews, which sends us a lot of readers from its app, said we were being too gross in our headlines, can you even imagine such a thing?”
My head is hanging in the toilet at least three times per day here, because… too gross. Also, as a gay, creatively prefer ‘donger.’
I was promised dick jokes!
First they came for the dicks....