Good point about WVA, not part of those tidewater people, but Manchin confuses me as to why he's so obstructive. (Although he and Sinema have been dependably supporting Biden's judicial and staff appointments).My observation was somewhat rooted in my state, which held on to one of those Old South Democratic congressmen down in "Little Dixie" way beyond his expiration date.It wasn't necessarily racism either, it's just that any party other than the Democratic Party just hadn't existed there for a century.

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There are a few here who chastise us for not understanding what a political genius Joe is what with having to play 11 dimensional chess to win as a Democrat in WV. But, I think he, the more we learn, is just another corrupt WV politician who greases the right palms to get elected every year. Doesn't take a genius to be corrupt.

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Good point, but McKinley seems quite happy to have Joe in his corner. So, maybe he is the idiot here.

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They prefer that to having to pay child support.

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And deer carry covid and Creutzfeld-Jacob

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grooming poodles for massive destructionWell, this sold me.

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Manchin is genuinely popular in WV, I just don't think Manchin's support would outweigh Trump's in a GOP primary anywhere.

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Just ask forced-birther Scott DesJarlais.

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Actually, stupidity of that magnitude would give old Charlie serious doubts about his theory of evolution...to the point of suspecting Herbie Spencer just might have been right all along.

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It's official. Hillbilly Elegy's facing off against Tim Ryan in Ohio.

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It was also bad politics, too.....

So imagine you’re a citizen of Smith’s state in 1939, ten years into the Great Depression. There are two options on the table. One is a boys’ camp, a wilderness area that may create 10-15 jobs for local people (FDR’s CCC will probably ship people in to do most of the work). The other is a dam project, which, graft or not, is likely to employ hundreds of local people in construction and provide cheaper power to local communities. If it’s a really rural state like New Mexico or Nevada, it may bring power to these communities for the first time. Which bill are you likely to support?

"This Is What Happens When You Let an Amateur Run the Government: How Hollywood Is Ruining America"https://www.overthinkingit....

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For comparison/ reference (2020 numbers): https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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But he still sits on how many committees?

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Still true. Manchin is better than any republican.

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Joe Manchins deserves to be vigorously stomped upon!

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