Isn't that a form of ecoterrorism.

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Better strip him down and check him for tattoos.

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He's talking about not attending, because Fox News is biased. If you're Boss Hawg with 56%, why would you want to even make the effort to climb in the stye with the piglets?

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They had stronger genes in those days.

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I always thought Lillith was a cool name.

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Our supervisors were required to have monthly one-on-ones with their employees, go over their stats, their error rate, and point out areas where there was room for improvement.

One month, I processed twice the number of filings of anyone else in my section with zero errors. He still had to come up with an area for improvement because no one, as the bigwigs like to put it, "walks on water."

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What else is he going to do? Get a job? Retire with dignity? He's part of the class that only knows how to run for office, and every run has to be a step forward.

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"For the 5 million people who've entered our country illegally, I am against birthright citizenship"Logic failure. You either entered the country or you were born there. You can't be both.

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>"the voting populous"


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>"spiritual" in the woo woo style

I LIKE that!

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I try never to miss an opportunity to confess that Dense and I graduated from Hanover College, albeit 12 years apart.

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>"You supported adultery, greed, lust, theft, lying, the Golden Calf, and basically the remainder of the Ten Commandments."

Should be "basically going against the remainder ..."

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For chrissake what does <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 mean?

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But Hillary was SHRILL.

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I think anyone who would do that to a cat is a monster.

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And remember that "profit" is a doublespeak term in corporation land. When they say, for example, that "profits are down," what they really mean is that the rate at which profits are rising has dropped. A loss means they aren't making more money as fast as they were.

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