Sigh. WTF is <em>wrong</em> with these people?

Ah yes. All of them, Katie.

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Oh good. With any luck I'll be dead before I have to figure out what "cisgender" is.

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And Kaiser is about as good as it gets.

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As an old former individual-policy holder, I must disagree with you. While the ACA is definitely not all that, with or without the chips, it does contain some useful provisions. While it doesn't do much to directly address the actual costs of medical care, it will have an effect on the costs to consumers, spreading them more equitably. Also, the 85% medical expense requirement (when fully implemented) will reduce consumer costs at least a little. My 21-yo son already got a small rebate from Blue Shield on his individual policy because of the 85% rule.

In my case, implementation at the time the act passed (impossible, of course) would have allowed me to get a real health insurance policy, instead of the crappy HIPAA one that was the only one I could obtain. I didn't like paying $1200 a month, but I REALLY didn't like paying it for shitty coverage. In the interim, I've gone on Medicare, but I'm sure there are lots of 55-64 year olds out there who will like being able to get a real insurance policy, instead of being rejected for a variety of reasons that all amount to "you're old, fuck off".

During the negotiations over the ACA, I was among those who felt that Obama did negotiate against himself to some degree, and that he underestimated the obstructionist resolve of the Republicans. Nevertheless, I do not believe that there was any possibility of getting Medicare-for-all through that Congress. Something like the ACA was as good as we would get, and it has many flaws and shortcomings. But so did the initial versions of Social Security and Medicare.

It may be correct to not "celebrate" the ACA, but we all should bloody well <i>support</i> it. It is the foot in the door. If it can be made to work in the states that have elected to have their own exchanges, it will spread like creeping Sharia. In ten years, it should be possible to start to regulate the profit motive.

Maybe we'll get lucky, and have another shot at a Republican-minority Congress before then, and be able to do something more dramatic, but I suggest we not <i>plan</i> on that happening.

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"Man, Talbot thinks he's the shit now, but I've had my tumors for way longer that he ever has!"

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Merci. I think I almost knew that, but kept trying to make analogies with "cislunar". Now I can stop worrying about "circum-gender".

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I am so hip, I do things that will NEVER EVEN BECOME COOL!

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I hope Victoria Jackson is selected as their spokesperson. She's so influential. A cameo appearance by Tundra Twat telling us how the Canadian health care system is bad will surely cause people to not sign up.

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HA! My coverage is provided by Rob a Fucking Bank if You Get Sick Insurance, LTD.

Everything is covered equally.

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Hey, fixies are great for planets that don't have hills.

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<a href="http:\/\/lmgtfy.com\/\?q=fixie" target="_blank">Also, Too.</a>

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You don't get to be a hipster by being weird and nerdy, you have to be cool and popular, but <em>act</em> all awkward and dorky.

It's not hip if it's genuine.

(I'll stop popping your bubbles, I swear it.)

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Tell us how you REALLY feel...

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It is truly a glorious day to be a Taker!

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Most expensive concern troll in history! Thank god we don't allow comments 'cuz part of that sweet 1 mil. was certainly allocated to wingnutz to post on libtard blogs. At 1 cent per word they would have inundated us

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If they can turn Jesus into 'Merikan Jeezus, morphing the '60s into a conservative grass-roots pre-cursor to the tea party is a walk in the park.

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