They should have used The Cigar Incident in a push poll.

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yeah,at least the lab will grow out of that annoying shit after a year and a half or so, unlike your average wingtard

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Yes, could someone explain to me why a press release of the names of said representatives would not be enough to lead to a good old-fashioned <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=V3FnpaWQJO0" target="_blank">"Never Mind"</a>

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Ultimately they all come from one source, known as the Dimluminati.

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these asshats make me want to vote for hillary clinton.

i tell you what.

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Dubya -- the Repubican standard-bearer for keeping us safe* -- initially only called 9/11 "an <i>apparent</i> act of terrorism". IMPEACH!!!1!! ________________________ * 9/11/2001 doesn't count

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Dead Americans don't count on 9/11 if you're a Repubican. They count 1000x if you're a Demoncrat.

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and there was that game show, Win Ben Ghazi's money

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yeah that was a pretty fantastic - fantastically awful - summary.

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I thought it was unbearable...

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it better be a CFL or Obama's stormtroopers will be over to confiscate it

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They have already kept it up for more than 4 hours!

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Shit. Incandescent.

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But, if the garden of Eden was in Missouri, that means all our clocks are off by six hours.

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Unfortunately, the doctor they called was Rand Paul...

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Seeing patterns requires critical thinking, which is something that is known to the Texas Board of Education to cause talking back, sass, insubordination, uppityness, and other social maladies.

It should be avoided at all costs.

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