Boy are these RNC people serious jerks. I was trying to think of something bad that could be done that did not involve bodily harm or anything like that, so I was thinking, in the spirit of the season (Halloween) maybe rolling their yards with toilet paper?

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Wait - you mean she eats at the same place as her friend Jared, the child molester? IMPEACHHHHH!!!!!!!

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What's with all the shampoo puns? We can't find any real poo?

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That'll teach the cow not to double park in a handicap zone.

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My dad would have never said that about anyone, and, although he was a very mild-mannered guy, might have at least cursed at someone who said that about me.

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Ye gods, these guyz just love them some gummint-wasting stuff. Pitiful.

ETA: I've asked a time or ten why people hate Hillary. Still don't have an answer. Not even a "real answer" like because this, this, or this, but no answer whatsoever.

Failing yuuugley.

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I had to explain Mr. Ed to a young person the other day.

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Smokeless powder is a relative term. It's not perfectly smokeless,just orders of magnitude better.

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SO SORRY I did not get to have him as a congressperson. I did, however, have the misfortune of hearing him speak at a bar association lunch. I would have skipped that one but was told we would get 1 hour of CLE credit and I only needed that one hour. Not only was it awful, but we didn't get the credit. He was supposed to talk about how congress works and not campaign but he didn't. I guess they didn't approve the credit because he taught us NOTHING.

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"Aha! I have here the smoking gun...wait it was smoking just an instant ago, honest!" :-)

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Quid pro quo sounds Messican.

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the origin of the decades-long smear campaign against the Clintons, other than that it started in Arkansas when Bill ran for Governor, is murky. Once he began his run for President, of course, the slander went national, and it was eagerly picked up by the "liberal media", because there was lots of juicy (sexual) gossip in it, they hoped to placate the RWNJs by playing along (note how well that act of appeasement worked out for all concerned), and both the Republican party and their media enablers had come to believe, after the 12 years of Reagan/Bush, that the White House belonged to the Republicans.So- the smear campaign has left both of the Clintons with vaguely bad reputations among people who don't usually pay much attention to politics; they just know that they've heard a lot of negative stuff about the two, almost everything they've ever heard was bad, so these must be two bad people.

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People like Mike Huckabee add to it. He's always talking about how he defeated the Clinton Machine in Arkansas. Of course, he is A Idiot.

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At this point, I don't think all these hacks and investigations and such are really trying to find anything actually damning. After 25+ years of such efforts coming up with little more than Bill's inability to keep his dick in his pants, they know they're not going to find anything else.

What they're aiming for, instead, is for all the smoke to make people assume there's got to be a fire there somewhere. And on that count, they've been wildly successful. Even people who agree with her on policy and plan to vote for her still think she's probably somewhat corrupt, simply because she's been investigated so many times.

In a way, it's kind of like racial profiling. If you go in assuming that most Black men are criminals, you stop more of them, arrest more, and convict more--even if the charges are flimsy, at best. Net result: outsiders note that the prison population skews to Black men, which reinforces the idea that they're inherently prone to crime and perpetuates the cycle all over again.

Hillary's haters don't have to actually find any real dirt on her. They just have to keep looking, because it'll make most laypeople assume there's a reason for it beyond just a witch hunt.

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When the Senate goes Dem next election, maybe we should start bringing up unending hearings on all that old "Impeach Nixon" stuff. Everyone knows that finding ways to overcome the eternal shame brought on by that mishegas is what has been the wingnuts primary motivation for the past 40 years.

In fact, that's my primary goto response whenever some wingnut goes on a tear and tries to bury me in an abundance of overwrought Clinton (his and her) conspiracy theories. "I got 2 words for you buddy. Richard Nixon".

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The GOP is going to investigate Hillary in an attempt to find out what time the debate starts.

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