From the article:

"911 calls are a matter of public record, so really, there could not be anything less private about them."

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And probably ask his kids, too. The best thing to have in the house around a volatile. massively over-muscled, roided-out man with a hair-trigger is several kids under five all at once.

It sounds like this couple has been together about a decade and is expecting their sixth kid, meaning they're all pretty young, and they had several that were babies/toddlers at the same time for extended periods.

This situation screams oncoming tragedy to me. :(

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Stockholm Syndrome is a hell of a thing

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I can second that - my fiance is a strongman and I have observed that there is a very distinct group of women the really HUGE guys tend to attract pretty effortlessly.Much like the women who seek out imprisoned murderers to form relationships with, I'm pretty sure the potential for harm is a big part of the draw...don't get me wrong, they are definitely into the whole Incredible Hulk look aesthetically, but my theory is that they get a particular thrill out of having 'tamed' a man who could become physically dangerous with very little provocation, like keeping a tiger or grizzly bear as a pet but with sexytimes.

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Based on his traps alone, dude hasn't cycled off in YEARS.

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Someone who sells a LOT of steroids.

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OK, I know stereotyping is bad, but I'm gonna do it anyway: 'Roid Rage.

Also, too: Since when is a theft of $200,000 in cash, jewelry and guns "a mostly civil matter"? IANAL, but I'm pretty sure that passes the threshold for grand theft, which last time I checked, was a felony.

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Unless she had quintuplets some of the children must already have been born at the time of the grand theft incident.

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I think this is a very accurate reading of the situation the police often face. For the FIL... eh I don't know.

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Oh, I have dated a body-builder in the past, and can confirm. And Rhoid-rage is definitely a thing.

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I'm sure it was nuisance value, paid out, barely enough for the lawyer. Mitch McConnell was involved in sharing his PR guy. Who is IIRC a former employee of Moscow Mitch.

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Hanover Fiste after the transformation.


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A man keeping his wife in line like tradition and the Bible allows, of course they're not going to be happy about people using it against him.

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As in the Suzanne Vega song?

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His neck is bigger than my thigh, and I'm a road cyclist.

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