There must be something in that Alaska soil that makes the young women there so fertile, at least the young women who spend a lot of time getting hammered and doing it , in said soil.
Someone will put the whole revolting clan into a big house somewhere, and make a horrid reality TV show out of 'em that rivals Jersey Shore for brainlessness.
They make Ozzie and his crew look like pretty decent role models.
Are you referring to Sergent's Stripes?
True, but that didn't stop Kermit Schafer from "recreating" it.
Yeah, I'm that old...
Is there anybody anywhere who <i>didn&#039;t</i> expect this?
He&#039;s probably the creepy janitor that makes everyone who works late just a bit uneasy.
How about Makin?
So someday, someone can introduce Makin Palin to Failin Bacon.
And if he&#039;s a Led Zepplin fan, Wholotta Love Palin
Skidder* Palin
*It&#039;s a logging thing.
Spite is certainly an apt name for a Palin.
hot as hell in america who gives a shit.
yup me too.
these fucking people.
Like pretty much everything else Republiklans want to force on you, it doesn&#039;t apply to them.
Someone will put the whole revolting clan into a big house somewhere, and make a horrid reality TV show out of &#039;em that rivals Jersey Shore for brainlessness.
They make Ozzie and his crew look like pretty decent role models.
Dropping an anchor baby in the lower 48? Can&#039;t we do anything to stop it?
If it&#039;s twins, Tick and Tock for the win!
More like guidelines.