Gutfield and Watters are primitive life forms, so they should get ready for some ch-ch-ch-changes!

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Your Spouse's... what?

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Hard for me to believe that kind of shit is still going on... definitions of a "real man". Ppl need to fuck off with that garbage.

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Demigendered is a fairly new term (coined less than 15ys ago though we've only known about it for 3 or 4 ys) which means you've a loose connection with your sex. In his case, that means he's about 60% male & 40% female. Aka, somewhere between cis & enbie.

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I think that was Watters.

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DNA check the competitors!

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Nancy! And what a terrific explanation. Yes, I'm with you, exactly!

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Now, to be fair, the recent Gutfeld profile in the New York Times, which was published for some reason, alludes to the idea that sometimes he is being serious and other times he is being very funny but it can be hard to tell which.


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So what they are saying is we should not be dumping so much polluting crap in our water supplies? That doesn't sound very Fox-like.

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I would bet that if you asked them to name some of their paragons of masculinity, they would include Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings...https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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There used to be a girl on our high school basketball team who always punctuated her name with an exclamation point when she signed her name.So, when doing the game program roster and the basketball website I always did the same for her. Exclamation point. Only kid on the roster with an exclamation point. The official school roster. She loved it.Of course she was a goofy high school kid.

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What the hell is she driving?

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David Malki! writes/draws/collages a fairly amusing webcomic.

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Two things that tell you all you need to know about this these clowns:

1. "he is being serious and other times he is being very funny but it can be hard to tell which." Which is the exact formula for spreading misinformation: throw in just enough truth to call into question everything or believe anything.

2. They didn't care for the decades frogs were being deformed as a result of pollution exposure, they only started caring when that morphed into frogs "turning gay"

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