And they're getting away with the grift so why not? Where are the Dems to shout and scream about this? Feels like we're talking about the Trump regime's unethical behavior in a vacuum where they keep doing unethical stuff with absolutely zero consequences. Yet our side allowed Secretary Clinton to be taken down over emails.

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He does, but only to find out if there is more where that came from.

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They'll do it till we make them stop. Why should they stop otherwise?

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Aren't political Indulgences great?

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free money.” With apologies to Emma Lazarus.

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Yoda libelzzz!

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The Trump family has always been a bunch of grifty shitheads and its nice to know the Kushner kids are just as ethically challenged as their Pop before he went to jail. Those apples didn't fall far from the tree. Trump ran for POTUS just to try to buy some influence, instead we gave him the whole bank.

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This company Kushner Co. has nothing to do with Kushner or Trump. Where on Earth did the Chinese get that from? I thought they were supposed to be smart.


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first of all, why is there even such a thing as a 'buy-yourself-citizenship' EB-5 visa?

secondly--when the everlovin fuck is a federal judge going to issue arrest warrants for each and every one o these griftin pricks, and the FBI march their asses up to the white house and cuff, arrest, and perp-walk every one o these criminal mothafuckas off to jail?...how much more blatant, in-our-face evidence do we need?...WHY ARE WE PUTTING UP WITH THIS SHIT?

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already rolled

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i dont know...i wish i did...it's not like we can put pressure on elected officials to then pressure law enforcement and justice dept.....that's not how it works, nor is it supposed to...i dunno...maybe another million people in the streets of DC, such as the million woman march after the election?...and as in the nixon days, when he was clearly guilty and weakened...i just dont understand why some law enforcement agency, the FBI, something, hasnt more rigorously pursued this clear and ongoing corruption...the inaction is stunning

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Right. It's one thing to be promoting a legitimate visa program with the intent of encouraging foreign investment in the US. But to be promoting investments in YOUR OWN BUSINESS is another matter entirely.

But saying sorry will seem to suffice, since there are no Republicans anxious to take action against these grifters.

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Another fun fact: Chris Christie was the prosecutor who arranged the plea deal so Jared's daddy only had to spend 14 months in a country club prison.

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Get off the grift, Jared. https://youtu.be/QauBYsssnl4

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Is that a problem?

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Oh shoot, I forgot to take the clams out of the cans.

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