My sci-fi knowledge is pretty much through films. My faves: "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (the Donald Sutherland remake), the original "War of the Worlds" (doesn't hold up well now, but was pretty scary when I saw it as a kid), "Soylent Green" ("Soylent Green is people!"), and "Seconds" (with...wait for it...Rock Hudson).
They used to live in a dorm down the street from the Capitol South Metro Station. They closed that down a few years ago, though, and I'm not sure where they put them now.
Yeah, this is way past being a garden-variety jerk-off which, of course, he is. I'd suggest to this jackass that he grow up, except it appears to be a case of "too late, man!"
What a spineless little fuckstick. I sincerely hope somebody's father goes to the Capitol and has a calm and reasonable discussion with him.
A conversation in which said 6'6" 250 lbs. father quietly points out what a cowardly weasel you have to be to need to get drunk before having the courage to scream at children for the crime of enjoying the nation's Capitol. Children who broke no law, unlike certain chickenshit bastards who used campaign funds to attend an insurrection, took a photo, then ran away like a Disney Princess who saw a Congressman from Wisconsin's Third District giving a blowie to the Governor of Florida. After which, this gentle parent calmly reaches out with a tissue, wipes away the snot from the face of this blubbering sack of fail, leans in close and says "Boo".
All of this said in the dulcet tones most often associated with Mr. Rogers.
A 6’6 father if he’s lucky. Van Orden might want to make tracks if he sees some petite, 5’3 mother headed his way. A woman will fuck you up if you’re mean to her kids- and God help him if the kid in question is a Mama’s Boy.
Yeah, I was trying for the nonviolent approach favored in Commenting Rules for Radicals. Plus, Van Smegma would slap a small woman and get in a world of hurt when she went all Bruce Lee on his ass. With a large man, he would stand quietly while creating his own little lake of piss.
So Wisconsin's 3rd district is a rural swath along the Iowa border between Minneapolis and Dubuque. Its biggest city is Eau Claire. It also has the Dells.
Someone who hasn't been editing manuscript all day until her brain is banana puree can probably make a good Wisconsin Dells joke now.
My sci-fi knowledge is pretty much through films. My faves: "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (the Donald Sutherland remake), the original "War of the Worlds" (doesn't hold up well now, but was pretty scary when I saw it as a kid), "Soylent Green" ("Soylent Green is people!"), and "Seconds" (with...wait for it...Rock Hudson).
Does the man have a serious alcohol problem? He needs help for whatever his problem is.
Somebody may want to check this guys basement.
I ain't going down there.
I always wondered where those kids live. Do they have a dorm or live with families? Who feeds them. Who protects them from senators?
They used to live in a dorm down the street from the Capitol South Metro Station. They closed that down a few years ago, though, and I'm not sure where they put them now.
What a douchenozzle! This guy needs help. Yelling at teenagers is just plain bullying and like Captain America, I don't like bullies.
In 29 years of teaching high school, the only time I have raised my voice was once, to stop a fight.
Talking softly, and disregarding the "big stick," works best with teens. They are not as bad as they seem!
Yeah, this is way past being a garden-variety jerk-off which, of course, he is. I'd suggest to this jackass that he grow up, except it appears to be a case of "too late, man!"
If Derrick Van Orden was my dad I would make him walk himself out into the country and drop his own sorry ass off.
In other news, Paul Reubens is no more, alas. And this -- fine young person -- is crowding my in-box. This timeline sucks.
Is blaming cheeses the new "the Devil made me do it" defense?
They have the beer and cheese before the coke orgy. Everyone know that is the decorous way to do it.
I am not encouraged to change my mind that anyone who becomes a Navy Seal has an ego problem and should probably not be trusted with guns.
He was a senior chief petty officer with the SEALs. Now he's the PETTY officer of the House.
Really? He sounds like an officer to THIS SP4.
What a spineless little fuckstick. I sincerely hope somebody's father goes to the Capitol and has a calm and reasonable discussion with him.
A conversation in which said 6'6" 250 lbs. father quietly points out what a cowardly weasel you have to be to need to get drunk before having the courage to scream at children for the crime of enjoying the nation's Capitol. Children who broke no law, unlike certain chickenshit bastards who used campaign funds to attend an insurrection, took a photo, then ran away like a Disney Princess who saw a Congressman from Wisconsin's Third District giving a blowie to the Governor of Florida. After which, this gentle parent calmly reaches out with a tissue, wipes away the snot from the face of this blubbering sack of fail, leans in close and says "Boo".
All of this said in the dulcet tones most often associated with Mr. Rogers.
A 6’6 father if he’s lucky. Van Orden might want to make tracks if he sees some petite, 5’3 mother headed his way. A woman will fuck you up if you’re mean to her kids- and God help him if the kid in question is a Mama’s Boy.
Yeah, I was trying for the nonviolent approach favored in Commenting Rules for Radicals. Plus, Van Smegma would slap a small woman and get in a world of hurt when she went all Bruce Lee on his ass. With a large man, he would stand quietly while creating his own little lake of piss.
That guy is only 53?! Hate really ages a person.
So he likes scaring minors. Figures.
Everybody needs a hobby.
Somebody needs a hobby stick.
So Wisconsin's 3rd district is a rural swath along the Iowa border between Minneapolis and Dubuque. Its biggest city is Eau Claire. It also has the Dells.
Someone who hasn't been editing manuscript all day until her brain is banana puree can probably make a good Wisconsin Dells joke now.
That's generally a more liberalish area. I'm surprised this is the guy they sent to the House.
I am surprised ... low turnout, maybe?
"The Dells," no joke, but we have a town in Oregon called "the Dalles," etymologically related.
Rage Muppets are what the GOP is now sending to the House. Well, Rage Muppets and scam artists like George Santos.
Or in the case of Boebert, a combo platter.
muppeto? (most useless pathetic person ever taken office?)
Muppeto was Pene-occhio's dad, right?
Pretty bad when a weirdo thinks you are a weirdo!