"Fun fact, I actually have the same birthday as Lou Reed’s wife, Laurie Anderson. Also Mark “Marky Mark” Wahlberg. Exciting, no?"

I get to be birthday twins with Kurt Russell, William Gibson, and Stormy Daniels. Oh, and John Wayne Gacy. Yyeah.

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Since March 2nd was also too my birfday, I will mention that the evening I was born was the same night that "To Serve Man" aired for the first time on 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘡𝘰𝘯𝘦.

Spoiler alert: IT'S A COOKBOOK!

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Looks to me like Monsieur Bartheau le Mieu's life was saved by Rock and Roll.

Are you sure the kitty's name isn't Jenny?

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Lou bummed two bucks and a smoke off me once in Manhattan. He had spent all his cash on new strings before he realized he needed subway fare. Other than that...I miss the cranky fucker.

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I so loved the "Iris" documentary and everything about that grande dame. Long may her light shine on.

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Man, am I glad I never had to interview Lou!

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One of my favorites by Lou, with Mick and David:


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Notable for the bass line that was played by Herbie Flowers and recorded at Trident Studios in London.


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The bass line is epic. Can't be missed and sets up the entire song. More jazz than rock.

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"Shaved his legs and then he was a she" See. No need for expensive painful surgery or potentially hazardous hormone therapy. Just shave your legs.

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It's a perfect day...

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At my age, every day spent "above the grass" is a perfect day. My old friends are all dropping like flies. Attending way too many funerals recently Fucking depressing as shit!

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Are we supposed to celebrate Marky Mark’s birthday by committing a hate crime?

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Or you could just declare yourself an honorary member of the "Funky Bunch"

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His music is a hate crime.

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Lou Reed was the great philosopher who pointed out that "you can't always trust your mother," so nothing but respect from me

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Lou Reed was always underrated and never really achieved the popular fame he deserved.

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Wait, doesn't every one like his music?

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The ones that don't, i just don't speak to.

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Today is also my older daughter's birthday. She's more excited about having the same birthday as Jon Bon Jovi than Lou Reed. She probably doesn't know who Lou is, but she was thrilled to get the "Slippery When Wet" album for Christmas when she was a teenager.

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I have always been so puzzled how bad that band was when Jon Bon Jovi's cousin is Tony Bongiovi, a very well-known NYC producer and recording engineer, known mostly for great music. The young Jon Bongiovi worked doing errands for his cousin at the Power Station, a recording studio that Tony owned.

I'd rather listen to Tony talk that Jon do anything...


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I ran into Laurie Anderson at Powell’s Books in Portland one time. Came around the corner in the fiction section, and she was halfway down the aisle. Looking at books, of course.

I love Laurie’s work, and I remembered she was playing a concert that weekend. She glanced up, saw I was there. I just gave her sort of a lopsided smile, turned around, and walked down a different aisle. I don’t know if she appreciated it, but I did.

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Hey, I got into a drunken argument with Neil deGrasse Tyson last year at the after-party of a retirement thing for one of his old mentors, a Columbia astronomy profesor who has been a close collaborator of mine. I don't remember what it was about, but I think my poor wife was embarrassed.

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I saw Susan Sarandon in Manhattan (before she went all nut-jobby), talking to friends on a corner. I accidentally caught her eye and did the same. She was sweet enough to look back at me and smile. I hope she stops being nut-jobby, I always liked her work.

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I'm pretty sure she was ''nut-jobby'' before that, she just didn't let it show when she was acting.

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What Notreelyhelping said about living in New York. Years back, my SO and I stood in line behind Spike Lee waiting to see Jim Jarmusch's "Stranger than Paradise". It was cool, like, I knew I was waiting for the right movie.

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One gets kind of used to the occasional celebrity encounter when living and working in New York. My roommate worked as a bartender in the Village and came home with some great stories. A friend who came to stay for one week managed to spot Keith Richards waiting to cross a street. (Really? Keith waits?)

The weird part about these experiences was that your first instinct wasn’t to think, “Wow. Look, it’s [insert name].” It’s “Hey, do I know that person?” Because running into someone you knew personally on the streets of Manhattan was so jarring. Like, what’s wrong with this picture?

Oh, nothing. It’s just Tony Roberts hailing a taxi near the Plaza Hotel. Nobody important.

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" version of “Walk On The Wild Side” featuring guest stars … Conan O’Brien, Adam Sandler, Jack Black, and Jimmy Fallon? Sure, why not. " Well, I'll tell you why not. Adam Sandler and Jimmy Fallon. That's two why nots right there. And I actually ain't that crazy about O'Brien either.

But another thing. Yesterday I saw something about Jim Carrey. Says he's retiring from the movie business . . . Says the scripts just aren't any good anymore . . . Says he might reconsider . . . If a script came along that really moved him . . .

And I says give me an effin break.

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I always thought he peaked as Fire Marshall (Marshal?) Bill.


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"Fire Marshall Bill" Pure comedy genius!

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Had never seen that so I clicked on it. Made it to 28 seconds, which was precisely 2 seconds after he came in the door.

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OK, I'll put you in the "undecided" column.

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Two notes

1) Reed's Honda commercial is Fuck Nuts and if he tried to ride that scooter I bet he would kill himself and,

2) Iris is EDNA MODE!

that is all except for my Burger King Commercial- all Bow to the French Onion Whopper!


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