Happy Monkey Day To Everyone But That 'Chimp Crazy' Lady!
She probably shouldn't have any more of those.
Welcome to the weekend!
Today is, I guess, Monkey Day! Monkeys seem okay, but I wouldn’t go around trying to hang out with any adult chimpanzees anytime soon, because if there is one thing I learned from watching Chimp Crazy, it is that A) It’s probably illegal or unethical in some capacity and B) They might eat your face. I mean, as good of a time as it does seem to hug a chimp, I would not want one to eat my face and will therefore stick to hugging all of the animals that will not do that.
Anyway, let’s celebrate! Here is an episode of a television show that existed for a whole eleven episodes in 1992, called The Amazing Live Sea Monkeys — based on the evil scam toy that cruelly convinces children that they are going to get to watch a whole bunch of monkey-like sea creatures play underwater volleyball in cute outfits, only to present them with dehydrated brine shrimp that maybe don’t even live for one day. Or something like that.
It starred Sean Whalen, who is one of those “Oh, THAT guy” guys and Howie Mandel and looks absolutely painful. Enjoy!
Here is another show I am very surprised to find existed, called Mr. Smith, which also lasted for one season and told the story of a chimp who accidentally drank a potion that gave him an IQ of 256 and then became a political consultant — although in this episode, it appears that he tries his hand at surgery.
And finally, I bring you Annette Funicello and The Beach Boys singing a song called “Monkey’s Uncle,” written by the Sherman Brothers a year after they did the score for Mary Poppins.
I have never seen this movie, but Wikipedia tells me that it involves Annette Funicello falling in love with a teen prodigy named Merlin who is somehow the legal uncle of a chimpanzee named Stanley. What a plausible scenario!
Fun fact: Both Annette Funicello and The Beach Boys (the fake version without Brian Wilson) would go on to guest star on episodes of Full House, but not at the same time.
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I just ordered some chocolate croissants in a bakery in German, and they didn't immediately switch to English to help out the poor sap! I even understood and answered the follow up questions!
I'm taking that as a win.
Open Thread Chat Dec. 14, Caturday! Cats vs Christmas trees.