Hello and happy weekend!
It’s been a hell of a week, no? I’m certainly quite exhausted from everything, which is perhaps why I was so delighted to see that today is Joe Manchin’s birthday! Wait, no. No. I was not excited about that. I was excited by the fact that today is, in fact, Strange Music Day, which makes my work on this post very, very easy. As some of you may have realized, I am something of a connoisseur of weird ass music videos.
I promise you that none of them are from the guy who sings about how Space is Fake.
Your first present, which I imagine you will enjoy very much, is Crispin Glover’s “Clowny Clown Clown” from his album The Big Problem ≠ The Solution. The Solution = Let It Be — an album on which he also covered “These Boots Were Made For Walkin’” and “Never Say Never To Always,” a song written by Charles Manson.
The only really strange thing here, of course, is the fact that Crispin Glover and I are not married.
Going in an entirely different direction, here is a music video for Wendy’s employees on how to pour coffee — which was probably necessary given the time that a woman got actual third degree burns from a McDonald’s coffee.
Next up, a band called Hot Pursuit, made up of all cops, singing a song about the D.A.R.E program!
ACAB, indeed.
Hey! Remember this guy? I sure do. It’s William Tapley, Third Eagle of the Apocalypse, who was my very favorite weird guy on the internet many years ago. While William still has a very active YouTube Channel, he doesn’t bring the jams anymore. Many of them are slightly out of date songs about how much he loves Mitt Romney, but this one is a favorite because it’s such a cheerful end times bop.
Alas, the Third Eagle’s predictions were not especially timely, as the Rapture still isn’t here. But you know what is? SUMMERTIME.
And because I’m in the mood for classics … let’s close it out with some Jan Terri.
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Talk amongst yourselves!
Open Thread Chat Aug. 24. Caturday! A beautiful ballerina.
Rob Reiner
I’ve known Bobby Kennedy for quite a while. Something has happened to him. Maybe it’s the worm that got into his brain, but saying Trump will protect your freedoms and keep America from becoming a totalitarian state, he’s out of his fucking mind.
9:11 PM · Aug 23, 2024