Harry Reid made a special cameo appearance in Carson City yesterday, where he spoke to the Nevada legislature and "an audience that included a legal brothel owner, legal prostitutes and the legal industry’s state lobbyist." How did Harry Reid win over his whore-loving audience?
Wait until Kadhafi finds that the protesters had a bake sale/raffle and raised enough money to pay the mercenary forces to shoot HIM. You can raise a lot of money with hash brownies.
Because it's fucking illegal.
‘Harry Reid will have to pry the cathouse keys from my cold, dead hands.’
I'm guessing there is already a fetish group on the 'net for this by now. I ain't lookin' though.
How does Harry Reid feel about blog-whoring?
Wait until Kadhafi finds that the protesters had a bake sale/raffle and raised enough money to pay the mercenary forces to shoot HIM. You can raise a lot of money with hash brownies.