Wtf did I just read😳🥴

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Dilbert was funny back in the 90's. I guess it's just angry now but that's just hearsay since I don't read it...Sadly Adams seems to have a reductionist view of people like the world is one of his cartoon strips

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This hurts my brain

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I don't normally live in "a continuous state of violence," however if I were ever in close proximity to Scott Adams I might be a little more circumspect--I understand he's the sort of guy who might put his fingers in your butt without consent.

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Jan 29Liked by Doktor Zoom

Seriously, WTF is WRONG with that guy? Nuttier than squirrel poop and getting worse by the day.

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Jan 29Liked by Doktor Zoom

Conservatives are going to procreate more? I thought they were mad because they couldn’t hook up with anyone?

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Jan 29Liked by Doktor Zoom

I just... every bit of this is dumb, but how does DEI and open borders lead to me being surrounded by additional sperm? It's still going to be like 50% men/women. Does he mean that I want to surround myself with upgraded sperm? Diverse sperm? Inclusive sperm? Sperm that maybe speaks more than one language and can make a mean mole sauce? Because that is a vision for America I can get behind.

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Jan 28Liked by Doktor Zoom

> Adams also Xweeted out this additional explanation of how we just aren’t mating the right way in the world today, and that’s the source of our discontents.

Holy FSM! I followed the link to look at the original. Not surprising to see that Adams uses a psychedelic brain avatar or that his commentariate has people with Pepe the Frog avatars.

Also, his amateur evolutionary psychology has even more holes than garden variety academic evopsych.

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Jan 28Liked by Doktor Zoom

I have to hand it to you Doc, there was so much seething manly aggression in this article that I actually feared for my life while reading it.

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I expect Biden to back down too. It's what we do as Democrats.

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"The battle...is in full throw?"

It's "throes," as in "death throes." Never seen it in the singular before.

Professional writer much, Scott?

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I think he just used the wrong word altogether. “In full throe” isn’t a thing, is it?

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According to the internet:"The word throes sounds exactly like throws, so sometimes this expression is incorrectly spelled as in the throws. Throws is the plural of throw, as in a toss or pitch of a ball. To be in the throws, you would have to be in the center of a circle of friends all pitching softballs at you simultaneously. As you can see, in the throws really doesn't make much sense!"

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Right. I mean, I’m familiar with “in the throes.” Just not “in full throw” or “throe.” But we’ve already given this more of our precious attention than it deserves.

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Right! I still say it is AI, it is too much like a machine trying to sound human.

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Jan 28Liked by Doktor Zoom

What a weirdo, and not in the fun way.

So far as I can tell, women "mating" outside of marriage is pretty common even among conservatives.

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Jan 28Liked by Doktor Zoom

If you read the “Mutts” storyline about Guard Dog and didn’t cry at every strip, you just aren’t human.

It was FANTASTIC. Go back three months ago and start reading. You’ll thank me later!

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