Ah, the internet is finally becoming a place of quiet dignity and civility. Next on the chopping block is <a href="http:\/\/www.nydailynews.com\/news\/world\/judge-orders-dad-stop-emailing-kids-caps-article-1.1783106" target="_blank">ALL CAPS</a>.

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Does this mean we get an additional ration of vodka?

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Somewhere, Bryan Fischer feels a strange tingling...

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Amazing how a former KGB officer steals tens of billions of dollars, fixes elections to get himself elected, and now tries to rebuild a fallen empire.

Western politicians are so jealous.

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Blerg, I'm too drunky right now for snarky witticisms (can I shorten that to snarkicisms?), but lemmie just go on the record as saying Gary Legum is the funniest writer on all of the Internets.

Also, Putin is one scary mofo. Are the RWNJs still fapping to him or is the infatuation over?

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your headline was better

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that's because wonket comments don't exist in the wild, seeing as how...

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Anna Chapman, also too...

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it's just plausible deniability for all those MLP dolls

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in all fairness, they're a bit busy shrieking "BENGHAZI!!1!1!" every 3 seconds

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"Boris, you are so wicked and nasty." "Stop, stop. You make me blush."

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you know, on a bad internet day (most every day) i think he has a point.

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