<i>We [hate Hillary] sometimes, like for instance for most of the 18 years since her husband signed the Welfare Reform Act"</i>

Judging a woman by her husband? CommieGirl is Phyllis Schlafly!

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If it takes a village to raise refugee kids, why do the Border Patrol send them to towns like Murietta? It must be a communist plot.

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Grrrrr. My video starts and then halts for good. I've apparently been blackballed from watching my favorite pundits during my sabbatical. Why does Hillz hate the Czech Republic? I blame Zeman.

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Absent Senator Warren (or similar), I'll hold my nose and vote Hillz if only to watch GOP heads explode after she wins.

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Apparently someone didn't match up the Garanimals™ tags. PANDA DOES NOT MATCH ZEBRA, TRIX

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Probably not going to happen though. I'd be more worried about her coasting through the primaries without facing a serious challenge from anyone that might pull her to the left. She gets the nomination without getting the base excited/tuned in so they don't turn out in big numbers for the general- that's the scenario that scares me...

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has anyone looked at House and Senate projections that far out? I know that Nate is saying that the GOp faces more tough races in 2016 and may lose whatever ground they gain in 2014, but it would be interesting to see projections for 2018 or 2020 (with a huuuge grain of salt, obviously)

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Where's my pony?!?!?!?

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