Why was it there in the first place?


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They're all.quitting their jobs. Ali Velshi is just about to report on it

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LOL. So House Counsel agrees with Rep Al Green

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You're thinking Gore Vidal.

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Gee, maybe you purists should have voted for Hillary.

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People normally do pretty well with or without :)

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Now we'll have to kill you.

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And this is why Moscow mutha fuckin' Mitch McConnell needs to be deshelled, eviscerated, deboned and boiled down into a powdered form of turtle soup and then promptly fed to his constituents.

May they all gag and die in peace forever, Ramen!

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Pony up Ron, haha-I said Pony.

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yes Onward, you're right! The interview I was thinking of was with William F. Buckley, who's "threatening" to smash Chomsky in the goddamn face, but Buckley's alluding to the Gore Vidal confrontation.


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Thank you for the clarification. I do so strive for accuracy.

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I comfort myself with the hope that most of Drumpf's judicial appointments will embarrass or otherwise draw enough opprobrium to get either (a) impeached by a Democratic-controlled senate or (b) drummed out of office through public outrage. I know - it's not much, but it is my last prayer for this republic.

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Why? Why isn't it going to happen? You DO live in a fucking democracy. We can have all the nice things. We can have whatever in the fuck we want to have. All we have to do is vote for it. That's the beauty of the thing.

This is O.K. Boomer saying, "If you don't like it, get off your ass and vote for something else." Here's an example: Tired the student debt that is crushing your soul and your future? Vote to have it wiped out. Make the rich motherfuckers pay for it. They won't miss it. C'mon, ppl. This stuff is easy. Really easy. Just vote for it. Duh.

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Just like how voting for it got the legitimate president into office. Take off the rose colored glasses, we do not live in a democracy.

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Let's be clear: Drumpf hasn't done this. It's McTurtle and the Federalist Society. Drumpf just wiggles his Sharpie across some prepared documents between Tweeting and Executive Time.

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