Sounds like Socialism to me.

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I wants the shirt precioussssssssssssssssss..................

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"The things Obama doesn't want you to know" report.

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Of course. But they only have 2 years to work with, not the 30+years they had with our Mom, Hillary, and this time, even the Assholes Who Bought It ("I just don't like her for some reason") can SEE THE FUCKING REASON

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These folks want to defund govt programs and put those moneys in the hands of private - often xtian (haahaha always xtn) - organizations. Same with the schools. They're not against other people paying for people in need but want to control it differently than the government. Mostly they miss "separate but equal".

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Nah, he probably has one or two principles, just hasn't seen them since law school. Who knows, he might even find a testicle under all that dust.

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'Persistent Bosoms' ...best new garage band name?

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What is he going to say- "I'm totally in favor of the so called President bullying the judiciary?" Some of these justices actually think about their legacies. A guy like Gorsuch doesn't want to be remembered as a right wing stooge- even if he is one.

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Doughy inbred Death Star is the best description I've heard for him. Stealing.

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Given Lil'Donnie's requirement of blind loyalty, Goresuch probably got a nasty IM from Lil'Donnie. And if he does it again, Lil'Donnie will revoked the nomination.

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Yeah, even ludicrously beyond the Bush family's requirement of loyalty, Trumpolini requires being able to blindly lie when everyone knows you're lying.

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steal away...expose these GOP frauds

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If only it didn't have McConnell's hideous face on it...

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