Here's Your Minnesota Governor's Debate, To Turn The World On With A Smile
Is it live or is it WonkTV?
Time for another debate livestream, you political junkies! Tonight, it's the debate between incumbent Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and his Republican challenger, state Sen. Scott Jensen, of Sleepy Eye, Minnesota .
Don't let that bit of cuteness charm you, though, because Jensen, somehow a practicing medical doctor, managed to win himself a prominent spot in Politifact's 2020 "Lie of the Year" article thanks to his promotion of misinformation on Fox News. He's the dipshit who claimed without evidence that because one of the stimulus bills provided higher Medicare reimbursements for treating COVID, then hospitals were overcounting COVID cases, a lie that Donald Trump repeated.
The race is closer than you might expect, with Jensen only five points behind Walz in a MinnPost poll published yesterday. Walz was preferred by 47 percent of people who still pick up the telephone, while 42 percent wanted Jensen. A bunch of minor candidates accounted for another five percent, while five percent remain undecided and one percent of respondents said they wouldn't vote. That last is obviously way lower, get out of here you liars.
 Here is the debate livestream, which is one of those embeds that will fuck with our platform and you'll probably hear the audio in other postsso you may as well watch the debate, which is scheduled to begin at 8 Eastern.
UPDATE: Looks like there's aYouTube for the debate after all, hooray!
When the debate's over, you'll want to go back to the actual Open Thread, which is Evan's story on that irrepressible bundle of chuckles, Alan Dershowitz . We will close comments on this article to help you realize it is not the actual open thread, because we're servicey that way!
Join us tomorrow night for another debate, this one for the Oregon governor's race, where the freaking Republican has a good chance, what is wrong with Oregon even? That'll start at 7 p.m. Oregon and 10 p.m. Correct Time now that Rebecca thinks she's all cool and Eastern.
[ Politifact / MinnPost / Photo:  Joel Kramer, Creative Commons License 2.0 (cropped)]
 Do your Amazon shopping through this link, because reasons .
You are are also a dick Dr. Jensen.