I know she's evil, but Dana Loesch said the truth. It's all about control of the Senate and nothing else. They might be saying words to rationalize the obvious hypocrisy, but it's just noise.

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I woke up to that. Had to turn off the radio to avoid a BP spike.

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Being a good guy is not a qualification for Senate.

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To the interviewer's credit, they did say that it seems like the christian right support of Walker and Trump is extremely hypocritical. That is when Reed started dancing.

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I think it depends on what Tucker and Hannity tell her to do.

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There was a an Evangelical leader on the radio today saying that Herschel's abortion was way, waaaaaaay back 13 years ago, and how even can that possibly count?! In fact, we should praise Herschel for the fact that he abused his partners and children, threatened to kill them, and paid for an abortion, because he's got Jebus now, and what an inspiration he is to all troubled Americans.

And also, that quote from Uju Anya is…WOOF!

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And there you have the problem explained.

If he was serious, he'd be talking about that. How he's going to take those issues with him to the Senate and do something positive about preventing it and getting assistance to vets who need it.

Instead, all he talks about his invisible friend who forgives him. And how the Chinese are stealing the 'good air' from the US and leaving their 'bad air' behind. And lying like crazy about his life when it is at odds with his stated positions.

He's a good guy? Maybe once. Fit for office? Nope.

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Was this before or after he put a gun to his wife's head and threatened to blow her brains out?

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Does this bozo have some kind of rule limiting each of the women he serially impregnates to just one child each, so, abortion for any follow-ups? Sounds like the way his addled brain would work.

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you know, it is entirely possible, with his mental condition, that he really can't remember half the things he got up to, or said, or did, and this word salad denial is his desperate attempt to square what he thinks is his reality with objective reality

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Hello, GOP astroturfer!

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Playing professional football is not the same as being in the military, Muffy.

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I disagree. I think she deserves her privacy.

I also think her identity will be revealed, and probably not by her.

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Do NOT hold your breath!!

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So he's a better Christian than the Reverend Raphael Warnock? Not sure how that computes.

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Because revealing her identity worked so well for Christine Blasey Ford.

You're really demanding another woman open herself up to that kind of danger? GTFO.

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