Well the blue-eyed Nordic Jesus should be registered to vote in all fifty states, simultaneously.

That Jewy, swarthy Jesus, on the other hand, will never replace us.

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Can we go back to the '60s, '70s, and '80s for music please? Cuz damn.

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No big whoop if they don't, though.

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Awwww, shoot. I work with a one "l" Hilary, and send her emails all the time.

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Ignore me, I’m just spiteful.

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It’s just too late for Herschel Walker’s parents to use a condom.

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I think you can safely remove the “allegedly” from “rapist.” He was convicted, but even more importantly, dozens of women testified or gave sworn statements that he employed a system of drugging women into a stupor (at best) or unconscious before assaulting them. He more or less admitted to that, but explained that he was merely helping them relax.

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i wonder how much


has to do with it.

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Not if you keep following Wonkette.

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goons/goonery libels!

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plenty of dip . . . but chips, not so much.

[ although if you finish the chips and still feel munchy you can always just eat the dip right from the jar ]

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Bill Cosby could at least speak in full sentences. He's also a (repeated - allegedly!) rapist, but ... grammar is helpful!

(The GA Republican Party's "let's get a POS Black man because BLACK" position would never have existed without Trump having happened.)

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I have no reference for this, but ... yes, please?

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Also, which particular Jesus is Herschel Walker talking about? The one who allegedly said, "He that hath no sword, let him sell his cloak and buy one?" The one who allegedly said, "I bring not peace but a sword ... for I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother?" (Matthew 10.) And boy did he. There followed the Inquisition, the Crusades, the fierce clashes of Venice and the Papal States, which at times got quite bloody, the Thirty Years' War, and a few other little things like the atrocities of the Ku Klux Klan, very big indeed on invoking the name of Jesus.Every last thing he is cited as saying in the gospels, both the things I like and the things I don't like, in fact are alleged. There isn't one word or act of his as recorded in (alleged) Holy Writ that we can be sure he really did or said.Always nice to see your avatar and think upon bold, swaggering, far from needy Queen Meabh, who didn't let her husband get away with claiming she was dependent on him for goods and gear!

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If LITERAL JFC cares about emails, then I feel that much more secure in my atheism.

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