Sorry, but from what I have read on the science of energy, nope. Geothermal works near volcanos such as Yellowstone, but the total thermal energy released by the entire planet is roughly about the current world wide energy consumption. Since the US consumes about a quarter of the energy, we would need to conquer much more of the planet to tap their energy for our use. Don't tell Bolton or he'll use it as justification for more invasions.

Also heat is slow to move from the mantle to the surface, so unless you have active vulcanism once you have extracted the energy, it can take decades to recover.

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And cheaper than a wall along the Southern border. Or maybe that wall could have the cables to shift that power - or is that socializms?

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You do when the betting is 11-3 AGAINST the other team and you just dropped your second mortgage on your team losing by 15 points. Fuck yeah, I'd send the fucking cheerleaders in just to be sure.

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You do when your QB punts on the first down each time they take possession of the ball.

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And I nearly won the lottery... As they say, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

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If the Dems win the House that may be true.

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Wait, the big win is not a big win? There's no winning occurring. The beautiful, bestestest budget ever was fake news.

The Trumptards are an illegality in motion, that's for sure, but they are also an ongoing clown act that produces joy juice and mounds-o-mirth ad nauseum.

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BRB, mama’s taking out a second mortgage on her house to install geothermal and get $10,000 of your tax moneys back once she does, because nobody told her heating in Montana costs $500 per month.

-- It only costs $500 per month if you actually want to be warm. If you're satisfied with just staving off the frostbite and are willing to chop your own wood, it can be as little as $495! Plus, winter is only 8 months long most years.

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Making Colorado feel quite cozy if not a wee bit thin in the oxygen department.

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As if sweat actually evaporates in the south.

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It’s harder to cheat at prezniting.

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And are they approved biographies? A very important detail.

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It’s sad that there’s a farmer somewhere that is talking about how black people should stop voting for Democrats because they haven’t done anything for them.

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Does Montana even get any sun?

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Unless both team's Left Overblats are out on personal fouls. Then you've got to get both teams to line up on opposite sides of the Flutney. It's the only way to prevent icing on the Snivel.

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This is true. There isn't really any single method of generating electricity that is practical to put all our eggs in one basket with. Geothermal is a legitimate part of the long term solution though.

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