What was great is that when she tried to show how it was possible for the tape to be "accidentally" erased via the footpedal, she had to go through contortions that would challenge the Cirque de Soleil

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*goatfuckers (Mickey Kaus only)

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Well, when senility strikes, it's the short-term memory that goes first. So, right now, they're having thoughts it's 1997.

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This is, once again, an example of how wingnuts never, ever, think things through.

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Omnighazi is the name of my next band.

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When we were in DC a few years ago, cars started coming at us the wrong way up a one-way street, which freaked us out, but it ended up being Angela Merkel and her security, whisking her to her hotel. I'm sure the right wing media was absolutely outraged...

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Trash bins removed? Drudge siren! Hillz does not allow recycling!!!

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That sounds good in theory, but I thought you were supposed to creep within millimeters of the bumper in front because that makes the light change faster.

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♫ I'm just a gaffe machineAnd I won't derp for nobody but you... ♬

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Don't forget also, if you're the first car in line, the light will change faster if you creep ahead so you're blocking the crosswalk. It's just common sense.

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Sounds to me like the GOP has a secret crush!

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At least it's not a gif.

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Talk about setting the bar low...

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Jesus, these people. After she becomes President, will this sort of bullshit fucktardery happen every fucking day?

YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT SHE DID TODAY! PROOF THAT OUR PRESIDENT *exaggerated fingerquotes* STANDS WITH HITLER INSTEAD OF OUR LORD!! (She said "Gesundheit" instead of "God Bless you")

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With the GOP...

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To be fair the left always makes relevant criticisms of the right, such as:-Look, we hear that when they are home they drink straight from the carton and put it back in the fridge even if there's only half a cup of milk left!!!-They throw TRASH in the "Not for trash" bin at the recycle plastic bags drum when they go into the store!!!-Speaking of the store, I don't know how many times I've personally seen our elected republican officials put something back just because they change their minds but don't walk it to it's proper place. Frozen items too!!! Oh, no wait, with us it's things like:-republicans are once again gutting services for the poor and disabled to give tax cuts to billionaires.-The gop is shutting down the government for their latest tantrum because no one understands how mature they are.-Aww, shit, you get the idea...

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